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Limits of Democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Limits of Democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limits of Democracy

2 Idea/practice of democracy
All Citizens rich or poor could take part in political life and help make decisions. Citizens were: Man over 20 Born into a citizen family.

3 Do the Math

4 Low rate of participation in political life
The Citizens could attend Ekklesia meeting that were every 10 days. Many Citizens were farmers and could not leave their fields every 10 days. Not many Citizens went to meetings.

5 Who participated? Rich Citizens!
They had slaves to do their work, so they went to meetings.

6 Today In your opinion ,how many Quebec citizens participated at last provincial election? 74.9% In Quebec , what are the criteria to vote? a Canadian citizen at least 18 years old a resident of Quebec for at least 6 months before election day.

7 Afraid of a tyrant Athenians fear that because only rich were in charge, one would get to much power! They came up with a solution! Ostracism

8 Home work Pg 92-99

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