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Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle

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1 Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle
Both Cycles cycle between living and nonliving parts

2 Draw:


4 Carbon is found… Largest amount of carbon is found dissolved in oceans
Also in atmosphere as CO2 And in coal, petroleum, and rock

5 Use and Release of Carbon
Plants use CO2 in photosynthesis and release it during cellular respiration

6 How Carbon is Released Carbon is released into the atmosphere by
1. combustion 2. Decomposition 3. Volcanic activity 4. Humans burning fossil fuels such as gas, coal, and oil

7 Combustion Combustion – occurs when carbon is burned
EX: Wildfires produce large amounts of carbon

8 Decomposition Decomposition – occurs when organic matter is broken down and releases carbon dioxide EX: Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi break down dead and decaying organic matter

9 Volcanic Activity Volcanic Activity
Carbon is removed from the atmosphere by weathering Carbon enters the ocean or into the Earth’s crust Carbon released through volcanic activity Carbon cycle repeats over and over again

10 Nitrogen Cycle Plants and animals need nitrogen to build proteins and nucleic acids

11 Stages of the Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Fixation- Bacteria converts nitrogen gas(N2) into a form plants can use – ammonia Ammonification- Decomposers such as fungi and bacteria make ammonium in the soil Nitrification-Bacteria converts ammonium into nitrites and then into nitrates (important plant nutrients) Denitrification- Bacteria converts nitrates back into nitrogen gas (N2) And the cycle starts over again

12 Fungi/bacteria decompose organic matter into
Contains free nitrogen (N2) which is taken in by Attach themselves to roots of Animal Eaten by Fungi/bacteria decompose organic matter into 2. AMMONIFICATION Taken in by To Form Diffuse free nitrogen (N2) into the Nitrates can be taken up by plants, skipping the step of nitrogen returning to nitrogen gas 3. NITROFICATION 4. DENITRIFICATION Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Ammonia NH3 Nitrifying Bacteria Nitrates NO3 Denitrifying Bacteria 1. NITROGEN FIXATION Plant

13 Extra Carbon Cycle Pictures



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