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Investigation 2 Claims:

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Presentation on theme: "Investigation 2 Claims:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigation 2 Claims:
Essential Question: How do carnivorous plants get energy and matter within an ecosystem? Investigation Question: How does nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem? Investigation 2 Claims: Microbes (bacteria) are able to fix nitrogen for plants from the atmosphere. Assimilation of nitrogen by plants allows them to make proteins for growth. Nitrogen is able to return to the atmosphere through fungus and bacteria. Terms of Use: Nitrogen Fixation, Denitrification, Nitrifying Plants, Decay, Fungus, Assimilation

2 How does nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem?
Evidence 3.1 Justification How does the evidence justify the claim that microbes (bacteria) are able to fix nitrogen for plants from the atmosphere? Terms: Nitrogen Fixation, Nitrifying Plants

3 How does nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem?
Evidence 3.2 Justification How does the evidence justifies the claim that assimilation of nitrogen by plants allows them to make proteins for growth? Terms: Nitrogen Fixation, Assimilation

4 How does nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem?
Evidence 3.3 Justification How does the evidence justify the claim that nitrogen is able to return to the atmosphere through fungus and bacteria? Terms: Denitrification, Decay, Fungus

5 Investigation Question: How does nitrogen cycle within an ecosystem?
Claim: Microbes (bacteria) are able to fix nitrogen for plants from the atmosphere. Assimilation of nitrogen by plants allows them to make proteins for growth. Nitrogen is able to return to the atmosphere through fungus and bacteria. Justification: The claim is supported by evidence because… Evidence: Use the evidence presented (3.1 – 3.3) to justify the claim stated above.

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