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A Peek at the Week in… Reminders Math Reading Writing Upcoming Events

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1 A Peek at the Week in… Reminders Math Reading Writing Upcoming Events
Mrs. Vandenhouten’s Class Sept Reminders Please sign your child’s reading log and planner every night. *If anyone is able to donate Capri Suns for our AR reward, please let Mrs. Vandenhouten know. Math In math, we are beginning Unit 2 which focuses on adding and subtracting decimals. This is a key skill to understanding and working with money. Reading Blog website We will practice writing from a prompt using this website. We are finishing up Steal Away Home and will be taking that test next week. Students continue to work on main idea and theme. Writing Upcoming Events We are in the middle of the writing process for the students’ personal narratives. It is great hearing everyone’s stories. Students will begin to edit each others’ essays soon. Sept. 22-Out of uniform day for students who met the Math Challenge goal and PBIS popcorn and coke sale Sept. 29-Dress down for all students

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