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Thou shall not Steal or Covet

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Presentation on theme: "Thou shall not Steal or Covet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thou shall not Steal or Covet
The 7th and 10th commandments

2 Other issues that are stealing:
cheating Piracy Slavery or kidnapping Ponzi and “pyramid” schemes or other “business” schemes that defraud the public Identity theft Stealing others rights by denying minorities or others of their due in a country’s ecomonic or political life.

3 2 similar terms R______________: Making amends: not always returning the exact thing. R___________: Returning what you have stolen or paying for what was stolen. If something is stolen, one of these must be a part of Reconciliation.

4 Hebrew Scriptures Do not consider the poor taking food from farmers for themselves to be stealing. This is called GLEANING. It had specific rules. Many ancient cultures mutilated offenders to ensure that all knew who the thieves were in their community. Also used to shame and punish thieves

5 Values in the 7th commandment
Respect for others’ property Respect for the earth’s resources Sharing the earth’s resources responsibly Awareness of the common good: (not just the majority but ALL of humankind.) Environmental justice: Responsibility for our ecological footprint. Call to find solutions.

6 Another Value: S___________
What issues do YOU feel are most important when a Christian thinks about caring for the earths and its gifts?

7 Possible answers….. Global w___________
Awareness of local and ________ poverty Awareness of hunger Alleviate poverty Alleviate hunger Energy conservation What else???

8 Proper use of Wealth Economic injustice hurts the poor p____________,
But wounds the _________ of the rich who cannot perceive excess but only the desire for more. P______________ Option for the _____. (Do you remember what this is??)

9 Envy/ jealousy: the sins of the 10th commandment
How does envy _________ relationships? How does envy affect one’s ______ of ____? Does envy affect the ability to have a balanced viewpoint of life? VALUE of the 10th commandment: D______________ Defined as:___________________________________

10 Covetousness Coveting in _______________ in our consumer driven society. We are made to feel that it is o.k. to want more than we need for basic health and life. What are the negative results of overconsumption?

11 Vocation and Work Work is part of our vocation – that is, God’s call for our purpose in life. Our work should reflect our values, including our religious values.

12 Saints and vocation to the work of creation
Saint Vincent De Paul Saint Louise de Marillac Mother Theresa of Calcutta Frederic Ozanam St Francis of Assisi

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