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Global Warming vs. Enhanced Global Warming

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming vs. Enhanced Global Warming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming vs. Enhanced Global Warming
COMPARE and CONTRAST… global warming vs. enhanced global warming What is a carbon sink? How do they help prevent enhanced global warming?

2 Let’s tackle Enhanced Global Warming first…
The atmosphere blocks out light from the Sun during the day AND traps in the heat from the Sun warmed surface of Earth. In order for our atmosphere to absorb any kind of radiation, it needs to have some electrically charged particles but… most of the atmospheric gases cannot (ie. O2, N2) absorb infrared (IR) rays. H 2O, O3 (ozone) and N2O can “jiggle” (absorbs infrared rays/heat energy). CH4 (methane) and CO2 can “jiggle” too! …all helping to insulate Earth. This is called the “greenhouse effect.”

3 When those greenhouse gases are present in the atmosphere
in excess, this causes ENHANCED GLOBAL WARMING. Most of these excess greenhouse gases are present because of human activities (ie. burning fossil fuels, deforestation) in the last 300 years which results in an increase in Earth’s surface temperatures. This global warming results in a melting of the polar ice caps, rise in ocean levels, and flooding of coastal areas including island countries and shore towns.

4 How do they help prevent enhanced global warming?
What is a carbon sink? How do they help prevent enhanced global warming? Plants take in CO2 during photosynthesis producing atmospheric oxygen and glucose (harmless carbon molecule). Deforestation diminishes this carbon sink. Why are the oceans a carbon sink? The Southern Ocean takes in vast amounts of CO2 converting it into bicarbonate and salts. Data shows that this uptake of carbon gases has slowed significantly in the oceans due to the excess amounts of CO2. Oceans are a carbon sink! in danger.

5 The Necessity of Carbon Sinks in an Environment
The ocean is a sponge for carbon dioxide. It absorbs about 1/3 of carbon dioxide from human activities. This is called BLUE CARBON!! NORMALLY…all organisms take in O2 and release CO2 while plants take in CO2 and releases O2. ENHANCED…fossil fuels are burned by industry releasing even more carbon gases. EXCESS carbon gases alters the oceans chemistry… creating ACIDIFICATION

6 Ocean Acidification The immediate problem of acidification…
Shells are formed primarily of calcium carbonate; calcium (Ca) + carbonate (CO3) Excess atmospheric CO2 + H2O forms carbonic acid (H2CO3). Carbonic acid easily breaks down into hydrogen ions H+) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Calcium and bicarbonate can’t combine to form shells. The carbonate that would normally form shells would rather bind to the abundant hydrogen ions instead. Mollusks, arthropods and those that depend on them for food may eventually disappear if they cannot form shells.

Acidification of the world’s oceans!! Additional long term issues…

8 Can marine organisms have an effect on climate moderation?
Acid Ocean – a review…(DVD video clip) Can marine organisms have an effect on climate moderation? Sea Otters Effecting Climate… Sea Otters vs. Urchin ARMY

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