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D Line Station Plan Overview

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1 D Line Station Plan Overview
West Broadway Coalition June 1st 2018 Cody Olson Community Outreach Coordinator, Metro Transit 1

2 D Line and Rapid Bus Overview
Substantially replaces Route 5, highest- ridership route in system 2030 daily corridor ridership forecast with rapid bus improvements: 23,500 18-mile corridor, serving four cities Service every 10 minutes, % faster than Route 5 Fewer stops Pre-boarding fare payment All-door boarding Transit signal priority More comfortable Rapid bus style shelters with heat, light, security features, signage Larger buses Construction in 2020/2021, pending full project funding

3 D Line Buses D Line TAC Meeting #1: 2017.03.20 101 total signals
4 signals in BC 84 signals in Mpls 5 signals in Richfield 8 signals in Bloomington

4 The Region’s Primary Local Bus Corridors
Rapid Bus System 11 improved corridors Nearly 500,000 jobs served $ million network 150,000 avg. weekday rides +70,000 rides above today The focus of this investment would be the rapid bus system, which was identified through a study of local bus corridors in 2012. By themselves, rapid bus lines serve nearly 500,000 jobs, or 1 out of every 3 jobs in the region. These corridors carry 80,000 existing rides each day, or nearly 30% of the transit system. With rapid bus improvements, by 2030 these corridors will carry 150,000 daily rides. The resulting 11-line system complements the METRO bus and rail lines. Together with METRO bus and rail lines, nearly half of the region’s jobs will be connected to frequent, reliable all-day transit. Reference: 79,300 existing rides(2010) = 26M per year 147,900 (2030) rides = 48M per year 35,600 incremental over no-build = 11.6M per year Gold Line LPA refinement in progress 7

5 Route 5 Highest ridership bus route 15,000 weekday rides
D Line TAC Meeting #1: Route 5 Highest ridership bus route 15,000 weekday rides Highest productivity (passengers/hour) local bus route Ridership concentrated between Lake Street and Lowry Avenue Buses make up 3-4% of vehicles, carry 25-35% of people

6 Route 5 Existing Conditions
D Line TAC Meeting #1: 267 Bus Stops ~138 each direction Up to 40% of travel time 116 should have bus shelters 79 existing bus shelters 101 traffic signals Up to 20% of travel time Can reduce delay through transit signal priority (TSP) Early TSP in 2018 101 total signals 4 signals in BC 84 signals in Mpls 5 signals in Richfield 8 signals in Bloomington

7 Existing Conditions: Speed & Delay
D Line TAC Meeting #1: Current Brooklyn Center to Mall of America In-service speed: mph Trip times range from 70 to 100 minutes D Line Goal Increase average speed Reduce sources of delay 20-25% faster trip Slowest at trip beginning at 4pm Fastest at trip beginning at 5am Max 15 mph Average 13 mph Min 11.4 mph Min min Average min Max min

8 Hawthorne: Fremont/Emerson & Broadway

9 D Line Station Before After
Finding space for improved stations required significant innovation and partnership with roadway jurisdictions. Through this work, we’ve been able to find space for rapid bus stations and service without adding significant delay for roadway users. We developed a suite of improvements to accomplish these goals, described in the next several slides. Before After

10 Public comment period and next steps
Release of recommended D Line Station Plan: May 9th Public comments May 9th through June 8th Online: Final and approved plan: Summer 2018 Current process

Contact Cody Olson Community Outreach Coordinator, Metro Transit

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