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English Literature Vocab. Week 3.

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1 English Literature Vocab. Week 3

2 berserk The teenager’s mother went berserk when she found out her daughter had wrecked her car.

3 berserk Crazed, madly excited Synonyms
crazy, demented, distraught, enraged, frenzied, mad, violent, wild

4 broach He broached the issue of his friend’s lack of hygiene sparingly.

5 broach To bring up (a subject) Synonyms
bring up, introduce, put forth, raise

6 brooch She wore a brooch on the collar of her dress.

7 brooch An ornamental pin Synonyms
bar, clasp, clip, jewelry, ornament, pin, shield

8 cite It is imperative to cite all sources used in a research paper.

9 cite To quote or mention Synonyms
credit, document, excerpt, extract, indicate, mention, name, note, notify

10 procrastinate Seniors must not procrastinate when it comes to completing college applications.

11 procrastinate To delay or put off Synonyms
dally, defer, delay, loiter, postpone, prolong, stall, wait

12 rectify We shall rectify the error as soon as possible.

13 rectify To correct Synonyms
adjust, amend, correct, cure, fix, improve, purify, rebuild, redress, refine, reform, remedy, repair, straighten

14 masticate The cows were masticating the grass.

15 masticate To chew Synonyms
chew, chomp, crunch, crush, gnash, grind, knead

16 adage We’ve all heard the adage, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

17 adage A saying Synonyms
cliché, motto, phrase, proverb, wisecrack, witticism

18 caricature His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn.

19 caricature Exaggerated drawing of someone’s peculiarities (poke fun at) Synonyms cartoon, exaggeration, farce, lampoon, mimic, mock

20 nihilism Many suffered from the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years.

21 Nihilism A belief that there are no values, morals or goodness in the world. Synonyms anarchy, chaos, disorder, lawlessness, skepticism

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