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After school.

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1 After school

2 Say a rhyme: Run,run,I’m running. Walk,walk,she’s walking.
Jump,jump,he’s jumping. row,row,we’re rowing. Sleep,sleep,they’re sleeping. Swim,swim,you’re swimming. Sing,sing,I’m singing. Dance,dance,we’re dancing. ……

3 Listen,what is she doing?
She is singing. She is walking.

4 Look,what is he doing? He is playing(the)…

5 What are they playing? play play play

6 They are… playing chess 下棋

7 They are… cards playing 打牌

8 He is … playing with a yo-yo 玩溜溜球

9 What’s he doing? read a newspaper news 新闻,消息 paper 纸 newspaper 报纸

10 造句: read a/an/some ____
read a magazine read a picture book 造句: read a/an/some ____

11 read watch look reading watching looking reads looking watch watches
I’m ________ a Chinese book now. He’s_________TV in the sitting room. We’re_______at elephants in the zoo. She often______a newspaper in the study. Are you_________for your purse? Does he often______TV? Yes,he does.He often________TV. watching looking reads looking watch watches

12 read a newspaper read a magazine read a picture book play chess play cards play with a yo-yo

13 Play a game (根据提示猜一猜) Is he making a …?

14 Play a game (根据提示猜一猜) Is she reading a …?

15 Play a game (根据提示猜一猜) Are they playing …?

16 Play a game Liu Tao, are you dancing? Liu Tao, are you jumping?
你问我答 Liu Tao, are you dancing? Liu Tao, are you jumping? Liu Tao, are you skating? Liu Tao, are you playing football?

17 Ask and answer 看图问答 A:Is he/she …? Are they …? B: Yes, … No, …

18 C Work in pairs

19 C Work in pairs

20 C Work in pairs A: Are they playing cards? B: No, they aren’t.
They’re playing chess.

21 C Work in pairs A: Are they playing with yo-yos? B: No, they aren’t.
They’re running.

22 C Work in pairs A: Is he buying a storybook? B: No, he isn’t.
He’s buying a picture book.

23 C Work in pairs A: Is he making a model plane? B: No, he isn’t.
He’s making a kite.

24 C Work in pairs A: Is she reading a newspaper? B: No, she isn’t.
She’s reading a magazine.

25 D.Look, read and complete
Nancy ____ ___________ TV in the _______________. is watching is reading Mr Black ____ __________ a newspaper in the ________. sitting-room study are playing are cleaning Mike and his friends ____ ________ basketball in the ______________. Miss Li and her students ____ __________ the desks and chairs in the ________. playground library

26 Su Hai is in the study. What is she doing? Guess! Is she …ing? She’s sweeping the floor.

27 Jim is in the classroom. What is he doing? Guess! Is he …ing?
He’s playing with a yo-yo.

28 We’re in the garden. What are we doing? Guess! Are you …ing? We’re playing cards.

29 Ben and Mary are in the sitting-room.
What are they doing? Guess! Are they …ing? They’re playing chess.

30 It is three o’clock in the afternoon
It is three o’clock in the afternoon.Miss Li and MissWang are in the office. They’re talking about something.Please listen to their dialouge and complete the sentences. need Miss Li: I ____ some help.Where’s SuHai? Miss W: She’s___the_______ ______. SuYang,Gao Shan and Helen are there,too. Miss Li: What’s Gao Shan ______? Miss W: He’s reading a _________. Miss Li: ___Nancy reading a newspaper,too? Miss W: No.She’s reading a ______ _____. Miss Li: What’s Su Yang doing?Is ____reading a ________? Miss W: Yes,she’s reading an ______ ________. Miss Li: What’s Helen doing? Miss W: Oh,she’s________a computer game. Miss Li: Thank you.I’ll ____ Helen to _______me. in reading room doing newspaper Is picture book she magazine English magazine playing help ask

31 Enjoy a story. The dog is running after the mouse.
The mouse is sitting under the bed. The dog is jumping on the bed. The dog is crying and the mouse is laughing. Now the mouse is dancing on the dog’s head. The mouse is eating the dog’s food.


33 In the evening My father is in the kitchen cooking.
My mother is doing some washing. My brother is in the garden playing. My sister is doing some washing. I’m in the study reading. We’re all busy in the evening.

34 Homework: 1.Listen to the tape prepare the text. 2.Write the story on
your copybook.

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