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Democratic Development in England

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Presentation on theme: "Democratic Development in England"— Presentation transcript:

1 Democratic Development in England

2 Growth of Royal Power Viking Invasions Feudalism Hierarchy chain
Built for protection

3 Monarchs, Nobles, and the Church
Rarely gained more territory Needed military support Nobles and Church powerful Fought royal authority

4 Saxon Conquest Britain Taken by Saxons Wales only hold out

5 Strong Monarchs in England
Kept kingdom united War between: William the Conqueror-victor Harold Lords serve him Census for tax collecting

6 Common Law Henry II broadened royal justice Customs became law
Traveling judges Common law-a legal system based on customs and court rulings Citizens take part in trials –Jury

7 Evolving Traditions of Gov
Bitter disputes with church Try clergy Clashes with church

8 The Magna Carta King John Struggle with nobles Rebellious barons
Protect from arbitrary arrests- due process No new taxes without consulting lords Nobles rights Monarch must obey law

9 Development of Parliament
Great council became it Approved money Commons representatives House of Lords, House of Commons

10 Parliament Gains Strength
Hundred Years War Power of the purse Could demand monarch

11 Henry VIII and Tudors Creates Church of England 6 Wives
Worked well with Parliament

12 Divorce Divorce DEAD Executed DEAD Executed

13 Bloody Mary Kills Protestants Establishes Catholicism

14 Queen Elizabeth Establishes Principles for Church of England
Tolerant of other Religions Golden Age

15 Royal Challenge James I-Stuarts Acted like absolute monarch
Dissolved parliament Charles I

16 English Civil War Parliament wanted petition of rights
Rebel against Charles I Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth

17 Glorious Revolution James II William and Mary of Orange
Bloodless Revolution

18 English Bill of Rights Superiority of Parliament
House of commons- power of purse Cant suspend laws Cant be Catholic Habeas Corpus- cant be imprisoned without being charged with crime Limited monarchy

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