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When/where did our democratic ideas come from?

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1 When/where did our democratic ideas come from?

2 The ancient world Even way back in time, people had a concept of justice They expected people to have respect for the law This included the concept of Natural Law Universal set of morals People could figure these out using common sense Any government law that violated natural law should be changed

3 The ancient world Greece gave us democracy
It was a direct democracy Some people, like Pericles, became powerful anyway Rome gave us representative government They had a Senate: people who met and discussed the country’s needs and the needs of the people The idea about having pride in serving your country, or civic virtue, was also a Roman idea. Cicero believed strongly in both representative government and civic virtue.

4 England – 1215 A big problem happened in England in 1215
King John was an unpopular king who was abusing his power English nobles got so upset they took over London and forced the king to sign… The Magna Carta – “great charter” A charter is a written grant of authority

5 England – 1215 The Magna Carta described the role of the king and the rights of nobles Told the nobles what rights they had Told the king what he could and could not do This established rule of law in England Even the king had laws he had to obey Stephen Langton: also did not get along with the king He helped defend the rights of the nobles

6 England (again) – 1600s England continued to have problems with kings abusing their power Their parliament (elected government) came up with some more rules that kings should follow They established a limited government: they had written laws that restricted the power of the king Later on, English parliament passed another set of laws (1689) – the English Bill of Rights Described the individual rights of British people Individual rights are things that you should be granted by your government just by being a person John Somers – a member of parliament believed in these principles and helped bring them about

7 England (again) – 1600s All of these documents (Magna Carta and two sets of laws written in the 1600s) established constitutionalism in England Constitutionalism is the idea that governments should work within certain boundaries, which are usually written in laws English kings now had a lot of things they could not do Their subjects had many natural rights: basic things people should always have John Locke wrote about natural rights in a way that we recognize “the right to life itself, to liberty, and to ownership of property”

8 and France – 1700s We also borrowed two very important ideas from the French Baron de Montesquieu wrote about how governments should be formed This included the idea of separation of powers: that the powers of government should be split into branches independent of one another Another writer argued that governments were responsible to the people Popular sovereignty: the idea that it’s the people who give a government its power If the government does not follow the will of the people, it should be dissolved

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