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Democratic Developments in England

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1 Democratic Developments in England
Prologue /Section 3 AND English Civil War (Ch. 5 Sec.5)

2 Medieval Reforms Started when feudalism ended.
Henry II, was considered one of the most gifted statesman. He created a jury trial as a means of justice. (feudal courts before) This became common law, which became the basis of the legal system in countries. However, by 1215 King John was overran by nobles who presented him with the Magna Carta.

3 Magna Carta Is celebrated as the source of traditional respect for individual rights and liberties. The document basically limited the power of the English monarch over the people. Clauses of this document did a variety of things that are part of law today; due process of law.


5 Magana Carta (cont’d) Two big clauses:
Clause 12: taxes “shall be levied in our kingdom by common consent of our kingdom.” Clause 39: “No man shall be arrested or imprisoned.. except by legal judgment of peers or by law of the land.”

6 Parliament By the mid-1300’s Parliament’s were gaining strength.
House of Commons (lower house), House of Lords (upper house) were partners with the monarch. Voted on policies, etc. However, by the 1600’s Kings were so power hungry, they claimed the divine right. In 1625 again there is trouble for kings.


8 Parliament Overthrows King
King Charles I, agreed to demands of Parliament and later broke it. (4 parts, p.19) Charles dismissed Parliament and was later in need of money so he called upon them. This led to power of King Charles being reduced.

9 English Civil War During the fall of 1641, Parliament passes laws to limit royal power. King Charles I is furious, attempts to arrest leaders of Parliament. This eventually led to the English Civil War. ( )

10 English Civil War (cont’d)
War was a stalemate until 1644, Puritan general Oliver Cromwell started to have success. The next year captured King Charles I. What follows?? (1649) Legacy of Cromwell short lived. He abolished the Monarch and puts a republican form of government in place; only to overthrow it and rule as a military dictator.

11 Restoration and Revolution
After Cromwell died in 1658 the government he created collapsed. King Charles II regained control, restoring the Monarchy. Parliament passes habeas corpus, under his rein. (Good or Bad?) Then after his death came King James II, Catholic. PROBLEM? Society mostly Protestant, led to??


13 Glorious Revolution Was the turning point in English constitutional history. This is when Constitutional Monarchy was formed. With this in 1689 came the creation of the Bill of Rights under William and Mary. What did this time period in English history do to help develop the Americas?

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