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Chapter 12 Reading Finish reading Chapter 12

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2 Chapter 12 Reading Finish reading Chapter 12
Answer the Essential Question from the beginning of the section as well as the Checkpoint Questions.

3 NukeMap

4 Cold War Fears United States Soviet Union
Nuclear Proliferation/ The Arms Race – the rapid build up of a nuclear arsenal United States Soviet Union 1945 6 1950 369 5 1955 3,057 200 1960 20,434 1,605 1965 31,642 6,129

5 MAD MAD/Mutually Assured Destruction – both sides are so heavily armed that all would perish if one side used a nuclear weapon against the other.

6 Cold War Fallout Shelters

7 Cold War Fallout Shelters
Page 418


9 Modern-Day Preppers

10 Compare and Contrast – how and why do people prepare for disaster?
Cold War In Common Modern Era Soviet Union Minimum of five unique to Cold War Fear of Nuclear Bomb Minimum of ten in common North Korea Minimum of five unique to present day

11 Essential Question Do you think the civil defense programs of the 1950s made people feel safer or more fearful? Why? Please explain? Do they make people feel safer or more fearful today?

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