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Kansainväliset sopimukset Luento 5

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1 Kansainväliset sopimukset Luento 5
Case 5 Matti Rudanko

2 Lecture 4: Slides Slide sets: 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 9
(Sales contract, choice of law, limitations of liaibility, liquidated damages) Kansainvälliset sopimukset luento 4

3 Other Material and Further Reading
Exam textbook: McKendrick, Ewan : Contract Law (9th edition, Palgrave Macmillan), especially Ch. 11, Ch. 20 and 21.5 Exam textbook: Murray, Carole, Holloway, David, Timpson-Hunt, : Schmitthoff s Export Trade: The Law and Practice of International Trade, Ch 8 (Liquidated damages and penalties) Hemmo: Sopimusoikeus II and III Hemmo, Sopimusoikeuden oppikirja Please make use of your knowledge of IB, Finance, Logistics, and other business economic or legal know how Kansainvälliset sopimukset luento 4

4 Possible Tasks and Questions
Please account for: 1. International Dimension: Choice of Law 2. Breach of Contract Types: Delayed Performance 3. Damages Liabilities in Sales Contracts 4. Limitation of Liability Clauses, Liquidated Damages 5. Optimization of Contract view (Law and Economics and Contract Law views) Kansainvälliset sopimukset luento 4

5 Topics and Issues System of Contractual Liabilities
Types of breaches of contract, especially delayed performance Legal remedies Contractual Damages Liabilities, Legal Model Damages liabilities in law: defective goods, delays Restrictions of legal liability, especially: Control liability Agreed Liability Rules Limitation of liability clauses Liquidated damages (cf. Penalties) Optimization of Contract Law and Economics Kansainvälliset sopimukset luento 4

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