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Fundamentals of Databases

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1 Fundamentals of Databases 731221
Dr. Samir Tartir 2017/2018 Second Semester

2 Class Lecture Times: Room: Labs: Slides are on E-Course:
MW: 11:15-12:30 Room: 401 Labs: Sun, 12:10-13:00 Slides are on E-Course:

3 Lecturer Instructor: Dr. Samir Tartir Office: IT 303
Office Hours: STT 12-2, MW: 11:15-12:30 Website Facebook group:

4 Lecturer Background BSc & MSc from the University of Jordan in 1998 & 2002 PhD: From the University of Georgia (USA) in 2009. Database Programmer: : CCS: Jordan : Al-Awa’el: Jordan : Integrant: Jordan & USA : Dar Al-Handasa: Jordan : SIMTIX: Jordan : Padgett: USA Team Leader with Google : Collecting and Transcribing Arabic voice commands Database Technologies: Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, Sybase, MySQL, SQLite

5 Overview Prerequisites: Textbook: 721223 (OO Programming)
Title: “Fundamentals of Database Systems” Authors: El Masri & Navathe Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 6th edition, 2014

6 Description Introduction, Concepts and Definitions Database Models
Relational Database E-R Diagrams Relational Algebra Normalization SQL


8 Grading First exam: 20% Second exam: 20%: Class: 15%+ Lab: 5% Lab: 5%
Project: 15% Final exam: 40%: Class: 35%+ Lab: 5%

9 Projects To be done in teams of 3 7 Project deliverables
Submitted to the following Details on next slide

10 Project Deliverables # Description Date Points 1 Teams & Titles 11/Mar
2 Requirements 25/Mar 3 ER Diagram 8/Apr 4 Schema 22/Apr 5 Tables 3/May 6 Data 17/May 7 Interface 31/May

11 Late and Cheating Policies
All assignments are due by 11:59 PM 10% penalty for each late day Zero points if late by more than 5 days Proper documentation needed for health-related excuses Cheating cases handed over to academic honesty department Minimum penalty: Failing the class

12 Use of Electronic Devices
Laptops Only for note taking or training on class material, can be asked to turn in notes. Phones/Tablets etc Must always be silent or turned off while in class First time a warning, second you’ll be asked to leave class. Only in emergencies Others Should be turned off

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