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Alma 40
The Spirit World and the Resurrection
Alma 40:6-7, The “Spirit World” Spirits are classified according to the purity of their lives and their obedience to the will of the Lord while on earth. The righteous and the wicked are separated, but the spirits may progress from one level to another as they learn principles and live in accordance with them (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 762).
“All spirits of men after death return to the spirit world
“All spirits of men after death return to the spirit world. There, as I understand it, the righteous, meaning those who have been baptized and who have been faithful, are gathered in one part and all the others in another part of the spirit world” (Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2:250).
“In the spirit prison are those who have not yet received the gospel of Jesus Christ. These spirits have agency and may be enticed by both good and evil. Missionaries from paradise visit the spirit prison to teach the gospel. There are three classes of spirits to whom the gospel is preached: (1) those who have never heard the gospel; (2) honorable people who rejected the gospel while on earth because of being blinded by the “craftiness of men”; and (3) the wicked and disobedient who “rejected the prophets” (Gospel Principles, chapter 45, 280).
“Therefore he (the malefactor on the cross) as other men who had not obeyed the gospel in the flesh, had to have the gospel preached to him. When he understands and accepts the gospel in the spirit world, or paradise, the ordinances of baptism and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost can be performed vicariously for him in a temple by some living person…” (LeGrand Richards, A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, chapter 13, 177).
“As teaching and missionary work proceed in the spirit prison and ordinances for the dead are performed in temples on the earth, the once uninformed and the disobedient but now repentant and purified spirits may enter into paradise and enjoy association with the righteous and the blessings of the gospel. There is a way to release the spirits of the dead; that is by the power and authority of the Priesthood, by binding and loosing on earth” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, ).
President Wilford Woodruff
“When Joseph Smith had laid the foundation of this work he was taken away. There are good reasons why it was so. Jesus sealed his testimony with his blood. Joseph Smith did the same, and from the day he died his testimony has been in force upon the whole world. He has gone into the spirit world and organized this dispensation on that side of the veil; he is gathering together the elders of Israel and the Saints of God in the spirit world, for they have a work to do there as well as here. Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Father Smith, David Patten and the other elders who have been called to the other side of the veil have fifty times as many people to preach to as we have on earth. There they have all the spirits who have lived on the earth in seventeen centuries --- fifty generations, fifty thousand millions of persons who lived and died here without having seen a prophet or apostle, and without having the word of the Lord sent unto them. They are shut up in prison, awaiting the message of the elders of Israel” (Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 151).
The doctrine of Satan’s objective is to dethrone God and become as God, but that he will be cast into the spirit world during the Millennium and cast out without any glory following the Millennium, are also significant (Joseph Smith, Teachings, 297).
Where is the Spirit World?
Where are the spirits taken? The Book of Mormon does not answer this question, but President Brigham Young did. He also gave an interpretation of the phrase “being taken home to God”: I will tell you. Will I locate them? Yes, if you wish me to. They do not pass out of the organization of this earth on which we live. You read in the Bible that when the spirit leaves the body it goes to God who gave it. Now tell me where God is not, if you please….
…You cannot. How far would you have to go in order to get to God, if your spirits were unclothed? Would you have to go out of this bowery to find God, if you were in the spirit?...It reads that the spirit goes to God who gave it. Let me render this Scripture a little plainer, when the spirits leave their bodies they are in the presence of our Father and God, they are prepared then to see, hear and understand spiritual things. But where is the spiritual world? It is incorporated within this celestial system.
…Could you see it with your natural eyes? No.
Can you see spirits in this room? No. Suppose the Lord should touch your eyes that you might see, could you then see spirits? Yes, as plainly as you now see bodies, as did the servant of Elijah. If the Lord would permit it, and it was His will that it should be done, you could see the spirits that have departed from this world, as plainly as you now see bodies with your natural eyes. The spirit world is on this earth that was organized for the people that have lived and that do and will live upon it (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 3:368, 372).
“Is Joseph glorified? No, he is preaching to the spirits in prison. He will get his resurrection the first of any one in this Kingdom” (Brigham Young, Discourses, 468). “Then angels will come and begin to resurrect the dead, and the Savior will also raise the dead, and they will receive the keys of the resurrection, and will begin to assist in that work” (Brigham Young, Discourses, 115).
“The spirits of the just are… not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions, and are often pained therewith” (Joseph Smith, Teachings, 325).
President Brigham Young asked, “When you lay down this tabernacle, where are you going?” Into the spiritual world. Are you going into Abraham’s bosom? No, not anywhere right there but into the spirit world. Where is the spirit world? It is right here. Do the good and evil spirits go together? Yes, they do. Do they both inhabit one kingdom? Yes, they do. Do they go to the sun? No. Do they go beyond the boundaries of the organized earth? No they do not. They are brought forth upon this earth” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1954], 376).
Elder Russell M. Nelson wrote of an experience his grandfather Andrew C. Nelson had when his father returned from the spirit world (Heart to Heart: An Autobiography, 1979, 16-18). If you could talk to a “spirit” from the “Spirit World,” what would you ask them? “On the night of April 6th, 1891, I had a strange dream or vision in which I saw and conversed with my father who died January 27th, I felt so impressed after it that I desired to write it for my own benefit and the benefit of my family and friends.
To corroborate my testimony of the possibility of such a visitation I quote the following:
Spirits can appear to men when permitted; but not having a fleshy tabernacle cannot hide their glory (Key to Theology, 120). I was in bed when father came and sat on the side of the bed. I could plainly see my wife and children in bed too. “When father came to the bed, he first said: ‘Well, my son, being you were not there (at Redmond) when I died, so that I did not get to see you, and as I had a few spare minutes, I received permission to come and see you.’ “I am very glad to see you father. How do you do?” ‘I am feeling well my son, and have had very much to do since I died.’
Question #1 What have you been doing since you died father? My son I have been traveling together with Apostle Erastus Snow ever since I died; that is, since three days after I died; then I received my commission to preach the Gospel. You cannot imagine, my son how many spirits there are in the Spirit world that have not yet received the gospel; but many are receiving it, and a great work is being accomplished. Many are anxiously looking forward to their friends, who are still living, to administer for them in the Temples. I have been very busy in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Question #2 Will all the spirits believe you, father, when you teach them the Gospel? No, they will not. Question #3 Father can you see us at all times, and do you know what we are doing? No, my son, I can not. I have something else to do. I cannot go when and where I please. There is just as much, and much more, order here in the Spirit world than in the other world. I have been assigned work and that must be performed.
Question #4 How do you feel at all times, father? Oh, I feel splendid, and enjoy my labors, still, I must admit that at times I get a little lonesome to see my family; but it is only a short time till we will again see each other. Question #5 Father, is it natural to die? It is just as natural to die, as it is to be born. The first thing I could see was a number of spirits in the Spirit world.
True, yes, my son, as true as can be. Question #7
Father, is the principle and the doctrine of the resurrection as taught us true? True, yes, my son, as true as can be. Question #7 Father is the gospel as taught by this Church true? My son, do you see that picture? (pointing to a picture of the First Presidency of the Church hanging on the wall) Yes, I see it. Well, just as sure as you see that picture, just so sure is the Gospel true. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has within it the power of saving every man and woman that will obey it, and in no other way can they ever obtain a salvation in the Kingdom of God. My son always cling to the gospel. Be humble, be prayerful, be submissive to the Priesthood, be true, be faithful to the covenants you have made with God. Never do anything that will displease God. Oh, what a blessing is the Gospel! My son, be a good boy. Good bye!
“I then saw him leave the room
“I then saw him leave the room. He was neatly dressed in a suit of light gray clothes, which I had never seen him wear when alive” (From Heart to Heart: An Autobiography (Salt Lake City: Quality Press, 1979, 16-18).
“We will meet the same identical being that we associated with here in the flesh, not some other soul, some other being, or the same being in the same person we knew and were associated with in our mortal existence, even to the wounds in the flesh. Not that a person will always be marred by scars, wounds, deformities, defects or infirmities, for these will be removed in their course, in their proper time, according to the merciful providence of God. Deformity will be removed; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to the perfection of their spirits to the perfection that God designed in the beginning. It is His purpose that men and women, his children, shall be made perfect, physically and spiritually through obedience to the law by which he has provided the means that perfection shall come to all his children (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 23-24).
“The First Resurrection”
Alma 40:16-22 “The First Resurrection” Elder Bruce R. McConkie gave the following direction regarding the First Resurrection which is also referred to as the Resurrection of the Just and as the Resurrection of Life: “Those coming forth in the morning of this resurrection do so with celestial bodies and shall inherit a celestial glory; these are they who are Christ’s the first fruits. Those coming forth in the afternoon of this resurrection do so with terrestrial bodies and consequently shall inherit that kingdom; they are described as being Christ’s at this coming. All who have been resurrected so far have received celestial bodies; the coming forth of terrestrial beings does not commence until the Second Coming (Doctrinal Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [ ], 1:196).
Deformity will be removed; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to the perfection of their spirits, to the perfection that God designed at the beginning. It is His purpose that men and women, his children, born to become heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, shall be made perfect, physically as well as spiritually, through obedience to the law by which he has provided the means that perfection shall come to all his children.
…What else would satisfy us
…What else would satisfy us? What else would satisfy the desire of the immortal soul? Would we be satisfied to be imperfect? Would we be satisfied to remain forever and ever in the form of infirmity incident to age? No!. From the day of the resurrection, the body will develop until it reaches the full measure of the stature of its spirit whether it be male or female (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 23-24).
Two First Resurrections. Morning. Afternoon. Second Resurrection
Two First Resurrections? Morning? Afternoon? Second Resurrection? Third Resurrection?
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