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What Does Great Teaching Look Like? Professional Learning Communities USD #443 Secondary Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "What Does Great Teaching Look Like? Professional Learning Communities USD #443 Secondary Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does Great Teaching Look Like? Professional Learning Communities USD #443 Secondary Schools

2 Participants will demonstrate an understanding of how to encourage critical thinking in our students by writing 3 higher order thinking questions for a future lesson. Mastery Objective

3 1. Five Kinds of Teacher Thinking 3. Higher Level Questioning (DOK) 2. Writing Mastery and Language Objectives

4 What is a Higher Order Thinking Question? Characteristics of Higher Order Thinking Questions

5 The New Blooms Taxonomy aka Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Predict, Imagine Explain, Summarize Construct, Classify Examine, Compare Verify, Debate Tell, Define. List

6 HOT Qs Higher order thinking questions…. Where do they fit in the Lesson? Questions that are embedded into the lesson at certain points during instruction. (Generally at the close of each activity) May be used to determine direction of instruction. (It is a Check for Understanding)

7 Good Ideas Your students should have at least 3 higher order thinking questions per lesson. These questions need to be planned and written in your lesson plans. (If you dont prepare them, you will not use them) This is proof that you are giving your students challenging questions as well as meeting the needs of your advanced learners.

8 Whats Hot vs Whats Not *****HOT Qs*****

9 Whats Hot Evaluate the impact that the signing of the emancipation proclamation had on the estates of southern slave owners? What is the most important part of the circulatory system? Why? Give evidence to support. Whats Not What is the Emancipation Proclamation? What are the parts of the circulatory system and what is its function?

10 Whats Hot Why do you think this composer may have chosen to use whole notes at the end of each bar in this song? Elaborate on your reason. Given a set of numbers, classify these numbers as rational or irrational and be ready to defend your answer. Whats Not How many whole notes are in each bar? What is an irrational number?

11 Analyzing Question Stems How would you distinguish…… What would be the smaller parts of …. What details are important…. How would you compare… to … How would you categorize …

12 Evaluating Question Stems What criteria would you use to assess…… How could you verify …. What data was used to evaluate …. How would you determine….. What information would you use …

13 Creating Question Stems How would you generate a plan to …. How would you explain the reason … What would happen if … What facts can you gather …. What alternative would you suggest for …

14 Hot Qs Simple as 1 + 2 Equation: Question Stem + What You Want Them to Learn = High Order Thinking Question

15 Make it Hot! Using the 3 highest levels of New Blooms (DOK), create 3 higher order thinking questions that will support a lesson you plan to teach next week.

16 Higher Order Thinking Questions are NOT Just for Teachers! Building students as Reflective Learners increases their ability to develop their own Critical Thinking.

17 Students have the ability to design their own HOT Qs. Watch the videos to see how one classroom incorporates these into their learning. s/developing-better-questions s/teaching-higher-order-thinking-skills

18 Discussion Questions: 1)Can this happen in all content classes? 2)What could it look like in your classroom?

19 TICKET OUT A good teacher makes you think even when you dont want to. Fisher, 1998, Teaching Thinking Relate this quote to how we must instruct our students?

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