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Scalp and General structure

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1 Scalp and General structure
Head Region Scalp and General structure

2 Head Region: Topic Objectives
Be able to list and identify the parts of the adult skull, fetal skull, scalp, face, and mandible. Understand importance of “danger area” of scalp and be able to predict spread of infection from scalp to meninges Be able to relate soft tissue structures to skeletal and surface anatomy List and identify the functions of CN V and VII List and identify the blood and lymph flow of the head

3 Skull Consists of neurocranium and facial skeleton Nasion Vertex
Supercillary arches (Nasion)

4 Lambda

5 Frankfort (anatomical) Plane
Bregma Pterion Asterion Pterion overlies middle meningeal artery; found 2 fingers above zygomatic arch, and a thumb behind postorbital process of zygomatic bone




9 Skull Development

10 Mandible

11 Scalp S –skin C –connective tissue with strong collagen fibers, some fat, the blood supply and nerves for the skin A –aponeurosis of occipitalis and frontalis m. (wounds here gap widely) L –loose CT with large amount of fat, contains emissary veins that may drain into meningeal veins (danger area of scalp) P –pericranium (periosteum of cranium)

12 Scalp and Face Muscles

13 Facial Muscles (deep) Corrugator Procerus (thinned)
Levator labii superior Nasalis Zygomaticus Orbicularis oris Masseter Mentalis Depressor anguli oris

14 CN VII -motor supply to scalp and facial muscles and 2 salivary glands; sensory in otic region and ant. 2/3 of tongue taste buds

15 CN V -the sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve to muscles of mastication (V1 & V2 are sensory only, V3 is mixed)

16 Arterial Supply

17 Venous Drainage

18 Lymph Drainage

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