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9. How did the Renaissance affect the development of arts. A

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1 9. How did the Renaissance affect the development of arts. A
9. How did the Renaissance affect the development of arts? A. It brought about sense of change in all aspects of life and a favorable atmosphere for artistic innovation & experimentation; B. Wealth gathered in towns created demand for refinement in arts and variety in form & content, to value the classical heritage as ideas and formal models for artistic changes, helping support writers and artists;

2 C. It replaced the medieval notions of painting & sculpture as crafts only to decorate churches by that of highly intellectual artistic accomplishments, with merge of art & science by use of math/geometry to achieve proportion; Roman sculpture/architecture served as bases for new artistic inspiration: revival of the dome/interest in secular buildings—palaces, libraries, theaters was its important contribution to the development of Western architecture;

3 D. Its humanist respect for the ancient Greek and Roman classics tended to prevent free literary creation, but its restless curiosity, its interest in the world & its urban influences created a demand for a native literature that expressed the new life then; and its individuality with a concern for fame drove writers to do experiments to win praise from critics and support from patrons: The Divine Comedy by Dante & love sonnets by Petrarch as

4 pioneers in European literature for Shakespeare, Marlowe, (plays) and Spenser (epic), Sidney (sonnets) in England of Queen Elizabeth I; 10. What did it leave to world history? A. artistic beauty defining the West; B. a period of intellectual preparation for thinkers & scientists of 1600s; C. its idea of man ruling nature led to modern science & technology; D. its thinkers used classical models for republicanism & human freedom.

5 Duomo, Florence, Italy Florence, located in north central Italy, was the site for many architectural innovations of the Renaissance. The eight-sided dome of the cathedral known as the Duomo was designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and completed in 1436.

6 Villa Barbaro by Paladio
The Villa Barbaro in Maser, Italy, was designed about 1560 by Italian painter and architect Andrea Palladio. The style is clearly influenced by classical Roman architecture, as can be seen in the use of statuary and the pediment with a frieze above the facade.

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