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Warm-up Writing If you need some help getting started: The most important thing in my life is...

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Writing If you need some help getting started: The most important thing in my life is..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Writing If you need some help getting started: The most important thing in my life is...

2 Boa Constrictor by Shel Silverstein Oh, I'm being eaten By a boa constrictor, A boa constrictor, I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor, And I don't like it--one bit. Well, what do you know? It's nibblin' my toe. Oh, gee, It's up to my knee. Oh my, It's up to my thigh. Oh, fiddle, It's up to my middle. Oh, heck, It's up to my neck. Oh, dread, It's upmmmmmmmmmmffffffffff...

3 Quote of the day Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. – Mark Twain

4 Whats Up With Those?


6 Cause & Effect Adjective Noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others

7 In other words... An effect is something that happens as a result of a cause My dog got out because I did not close the front door. Cause and effect is a necessary tool to utilize when writing




11 Chronological Order Noun The arrangement of things following one after another in time

12 In other words... Chronological order is the order of events that we encounter while reading or in our lives in general For example... You go to kindergarten before you graduate High School. We should make sure that we follow things in a chronological order while writing

13 Time to put it all to work

14 Character Creation

15 Timeline Organizer: Title ______________________________________ Timelines help determine the sequence of major events, cause – effect relationships, and how events influence people.

16 Wrap Session

17 What is chronological order? What is cause & effect? Why are they important?

18 3-2-1 3 things you know for sure about chronological order and cause & effect 2 things you are not sure about chronological order and cause & effect 1 thing you dont have a clue about chronological order and cause & effect

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