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Chapter 5 Nonstationary Time series Models

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1 Chapter 5 Nonstationary Time series Models
NOTE: Some slides have blank sections. They are based on a teaching style in which the corresponding blank (derivations, theorem proofs, examples, …) are worked out in class on the board or overhead projector. 1

2 Deterministic Signal-plus-Noise Models
Example Signals: C constant

3 Sometimes it’s not easy to tell whether a deterministic signal is present in the data
Is there a deterministic signal?

4 Realizations - is there a deterministic signal? No Yes Sometimes it’s not easy to tell whether a deterministic signal is present in the data.

5 4 Realizations from the AR(4) Model

6 Definition 5.1 (a) Nonstationary ARIMA(p,d,q) Model
The autoregressive integrated moving average process of orders p, d, and q (denoted ARIMA(p,d,q)) is a process, Xt , whose differences (1- B)d Xt satisfy a (stationary) ARMA(p,q) model, where d is a non-negative integer We use the notation You can generate realizations from the ARIMA(p,d,q) model using gen.arima.wge

7 (b) Nonstationary ARUMA(p,d,q) Model
The autoregressive unit root moving average process of orders p, d, and q (denoted ARUMA(p,d,q)) is a process, Xt , for which the process l(B) Xt satisfies a (stationary) ARMA(p,q) model, where l(B) = 1 - l1B -  - ld Bd is an operator whose characteristic equation has all its roots on the unit circle. We use the notation: Note: An ARIMA(p,d,q) process is an ARUMA(p,d,q) process with l(B) = (1- B)d You can generate realizations from the ARUMA(p,d,q) model using gen.aruma.wge

8 tswge demo gen.aruma.wge(n,phi,theta,d,s,lambda,sn)
gen.aruma.wge(n=200,phi=.7,d=1,s=0,lambda=0) gen.aruma.wge(n=120,phi=-.4,d=0,s=12,lambda=0) gen.aruma.wge(n=200,phi=.7,d=1,s=12,lambda=c(1.6,-1),theta=-.8)

9 Note: 1-a1 B factor dominates behavior (of rk) becomes “first order”

10 Note: 1-a1B- a2 B2 factor dominates
behavior (of rk) becomes “second order”

11 General Property As some roots of the AR characteristic equation approach the unit circle, r k seems to “nearly satisfy” a lower order difference equation

12 Question: What is r k for an ARUMA(p, d, q) process?

13 Clearly we need a new definition of autocorrelation for the case (1-B) Xt = at
a similar situation arises for all ARUMA(p,d,q) models extended autocorrelation function

14 Extended Autocorrelation Function
Autocorrelation functions are defined as a limit when some roots are on the unit circle: - or the “extended autocorrelation function”

15 Findley-Quinn Theorem (Theorem 5.1)

16 Examples: (1) l(B) = 1 - B (2) l(B) = 1 - B 2


18 Types of ARUMA Models Non-cyclic ARUMA Models
- these are the ARIMA models given by Box and Jenkins - all unit circle roots are +1

19 Cyclic ARUMA Models - at least one of the unit roots is not +1

20 Seasonal Models - a special case of cyclic models containing factors such as (1 - B s) - Monthly Data (1 - B 12), Quarterly Data (1 - B 4), … Example:

21 Factor Tables Factor Abs Recip f Root(s) 1-B 1 1+B2 .25  i 1+B .5 -1
1+B2 .25  i 1+B .5 -1 Factor Abs Recip f Root(s) 1 – B 1 .083 i 1 - B + B2 .167 i 1+B2 .25 + i 1 + B + B2 .333 i .417 i 1 + B .5 -1

22 tswge demo To obtain factor tables on the previous slide us
factor.wge(phi=c(0,0,0,1)) factor.wge(phi=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))

23 More General Seasonal Models

24 Airline Data (log) Why?

25 More General Seasonal Models

26 Other Nonstationary Models
Random Walk where is a white noise sequence

27 Random Walk with Drift where is a white noise sequence

28 Random Walk Random Walk with Drift Same noise sequence

29 TVF Signals - these are signals with time varying frequencies (TVF)
Nonstationary Chapters 12 and 13

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