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Entendre : to hear.

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Presentation on theme: "Entendre : to hear."— Presentation transcript:

1 entendre : to hear

2 répondre : to answer

3 perdre = to lose

4 vendre : to sell

5 rendre : to return/to give

6 rendre visite à quelqu’un = to visit someone

7 attendre = to wait for/expect

8 défendre = to defend

9 descendre = to descend; to go down (stairs, a mountain, etc
descendre = to descend; to go down (stairs, a mountain, etc.); to get off (a bus, a ride, etc.)

10 dépendre (sur) = to depend (on)

11 mordre = to bite

12 finir = to finish

13 réussir = to succeed/to do well

14 maigrir = to lose weight

15 grossir = to gain weight

16 grandir = to grow

17 chosir = to choose

18 réfléchir = to think/reflect

19 agir = to act/take action

20 réagir = to react

21 rougir = to blush

22 obéir = to obey

23 accomplir = to accomplish

24 vomir = to vomit/throw up

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