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Adapted from slides by J. Gray & A. Reuter
Isolation Concepts Chapter 7 in Gray and Reuter 11/23/2018 Adapted from slides by J. Gray & A. Reuter
Why Lock? Give each transaction the illusion that there are no concurrent updates Hide concurrency anomalies. Do it automatically Goal: Although there is concurrency in system execution is equivalent to some serial execution of the system Not deterministic outcome, just a consistent transformation ECE 569
The Essentials Notation Definition
Every transaction T has a Read Set denoted: R(T) and a Write Set denoted: W(T) Definition T1 and T2 conflict IFF W(T2) (R(T1) W(T1)) ¹ Ø ; or W(T1) (R(T2) W(T2)) ¹ Ø If they conflict, delay one until the other finishes ECE 569
Laws Of Concurrency Control
First Law of Concurrency Control Concurrent execution should not cause application programs to malfunction. Second Law of Concurrency Control Concurrent execution should not have lower throughput or much higher response times than serial execution. ECE 569
Transactions and Serializability
Database modeled as a set of elements representing relations, pages, tuples or whatever. Transactions are sets of operations which access these elements {r[x] | w[x]}* {c | a} A concurrent execution of several transactions is serializable if it is equivalent to a serial execution of the same transactions Two histories are equivalent if all transactions read the same values in both histories and the final states of the database are identical 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Why Serialization? T1: r1[x] w1[x] c1 T2: r2[x] a2
deposit(item x, int amt) { t = read(x); write(x, t + amt); commit(); } T1: r1[x] w1[x] c1 transfer(item x, item y, int amt) f = read(x); if (f < amt) abort() else write(x, f-amt); t = read(y); write(y, t+amt); T2: r2[x] a2 T2’: r2[x] w2[x] r2[y] w2[y] c2 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Why Serialization? 1. Lost updates - Deposit made by T1 is lost
T1: r1[x] w1[x] c1 T2: r2[x] w2[x] r2[y] w2[y] c2 2.Dirty Reads- Amount deducted from x by T2 disappears T1: r1[x] w1[x] c1 T2: r2[x] w2[x] A2 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Why Serialization? Incorrect Summary - (Similar to unrepeatable read problem) print_sum(item x, item y) { f = read(x); g = read(y); printf("%d\n", f+g); commit(); } T2: r2[x] w2[x] r2[y] w2[y] c2 T3: r3[x] r3[y] c3 Sum is “short” by amount being transferred. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theory - Chapter 2 Bernstein
Transactions Definition- A transaction Ti is a partial order with ordering relation <i where: 1. Ti {ri[x], wi[x] | x is a data item} {ai, ci}; and 2. ai Ti iff ci Ti; and 3. If t is ci or ai, then for any other operation p Ti, p <i t; and 4. If ri[x] Ti and wi[x] Ti, then either ri[x] <i wi[x] or wi[x] <i ri[x]. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Transactions A transaction is a partial order (i, <i)
i is the set of operations <i is the “happened-before” relation for operations in i. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Histories Histories are used to model concurrent executions
Definition- Let T = {T1, T2, ..., Tn} be a set of transactions. A complete history H over T is a partial order with ordering relation <H where: 1. H = ; 2. <H 3. For any two conflicting operations p, q H, p q, either p <H q or q <H p. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Histories Example- A history H over T = {T1, T2} Summary
H contains all of the operations in T <H honors all of the orderings of the transactions {T1, T2, ..., Tn}. All conflicting operations are ordered. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
History Prefixes Definition- A history H’ = (H’, <H’) is a prefix of a history H = (H, <H) if: 1. H’ H; and 2. p, q H’, p <H’ q iff p <H q; and 3. p H’, q H, q <H p q H’ Example- A prefix H’ of H above. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Definition- The committed projection of a history H, C(H), is the history obtained by removing all operations of transactions that are not committed from H. Example- C(H’) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Example- Serial histories over T = {T1, T2} 11/23/2018
ECE 569
Conflict Serializability
Definition- Two histories H and H’ are conflict equivalent () if: 1. They are defined over the same set of transactions and have the same set of operations; and 2. For all conflicting operations pi and qj such that ai, aj H (or H’), pi <H qj iff pi <H’ qj Definition- A history is conflict serializable if C(H) is conflict equivalent to some serial history Hs. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Conflict Serializability
Example- History H is not conflict serializable because w1[x] <H w2[x] rules out equivalence with T2T1 w2[y] <H r1[y] rules out equivalence with T1T2 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Conflict Serializability
Example- History H’ is conflict serializable. It is equivalent to T1T2. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem
Definition- The serialization graph of a history H, SG(H), is a directed graph with nodes corresponding to committed transactions in H and includes all edges Ti Tj such that pi <H qj and pi conflicts with qj. Examples- 1. SG(H) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem
2. SG(H’) 3. SG(H1) H1 = r1[x] w2[x] c2 w1[y] c1 r3[x] w3[y] c3 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem
Serializability Theorem- A history H is conflict serializable iff SG(H) is acyclic. Proof 1. If SG(H) is acyclic then H is conflict serializable. a) Assume SG(H) is acyclic (we will show H is CSR) b) Let Hs be a serial history including all committed transactions in H. c) Order transactions in Hs such that if Ti Tj then Ti precedes Tj in Hs, i.e., order of transactions in Hs is a topological sort of SG(H). (SG(H) is acyclic) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem (Proof Cont.)
d) C(H) Hs Let pi and qj be conflicting operations from distinct transactions in C(H) such that pi <H qj Ti and Tj are committed (in C(H)), so they must be included in SG(H) There must be an edge Ti Tj in SG(H) because pi and qj conflict and pi <H qj. Our construction ensures that Ti precedes Tj in H, and thus, pi <Hs qj 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem (Proof Cont.)
2. If H is conflict serializable then SG(H) is acyclic. a) Assume H is conflict serializable (we will show SG(H) is acyclic) b) Let Hs be a serial history such that C(H) Hs (There must be one because H is conflict serializable.) c) Ti Tj in SG(H) implies Ti <Hs Tj Because Ti Tj in SG(H) there must be conflicting operations pi and qj in C(H) where pi <H qj Since C(H) Hs, we know that pi <Hs qj and therefore Ti <Hs Tj 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Theorem (Proof Cont.)
d) SG(H) is acyclic Assume for the sake of a contradiction that there is a cycle T1 T2 ... Tn T1 in SG(H) From argument in (c) this implies T1 <Hs T2 <Hs ... <Hs Tn <Hs T1 By transitivity we get T1 <Hs T1 which is clearly impossible 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Properties of Histories
Definition- Transaction Ti reads-x-from Tj in H if: 1. wj[x] <H ri[x]; and 2. Aj <H ri[x]; and 3. wk[x] H, wj[x] <H wk[x] <H ri[x] implies ak <H ri[x]. Example- H = w1[x] w2[y] r1[y] w2[x] a2 r1[x] T1 reads-y-from T2 T1 reads-x-from T1 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Properties of Histories
Definition- A history H is recoverable (RC) if Ti reads- from Tj (i j) and ci H implies cj <H ci Example- H = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 c2 T3 reads-x-from T2 but c2 does not precede c3 in H, thus H is not RC. Definition- A history H avoids cascading aborts (ACA) if Ti reads-x-from Tj (i j) implies cj <H ri[x] Definition- A history H is strict (ST) if wi[x] <H oj[x] (i j) implies either: ai <H oj; or ci <H oj. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
concepts What are the three problems non-serializable histories have? What dependencies are concerned? Define a history being conflict serializable What is the serialization graph of a history? What is the serializability theorem? What is a recoverable history? A history that avoids cascading aborts? Strict history? 11/23/2018 ECE 569
View Serializability Definition of serializability based on the view transactions have of the database Definition- A write wi[x] is the final write of x in H if: wi[x] H; and ai H; and wj[x] H (i ≠ j), wj[x] <H wi[x] or aj H 11/23/2018 ECE 569
View Serializability (Cont.)
Definition- Two histories H and H’ are view equivalent if: 1. They are over the same transactions and have the same operations; and 2. For all Ti and Tj not aborted in H, Ti reads-x-from Tj in H iff Ti reads-x-from Tj in H’; and 3. wi[x] is the final write of x in H iff wi[x] is the final write of x in H’. Definition- A history H is view serializable if for every prefix H’ of H, C(H’) is view equivalent to a serial schedule 11/23/2018 ECE 569
View Serializability (Cont.)
Example- H = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] c2 r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 1. H1’ = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] c2 C(H1’) = w2[y] w2[x] c2 C(H1’) is view equivalent to a serial history (itself) 2. H2’ = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] c2 r3[x] w1[y] c1 C(H2’) = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] c2 w1[y] c1 C(H2’) is not view equivalent to T1T2 (w1[y] not w2[y] is final write of y in H) C(H2’) is not view equivalent to T2T1 11/23/2018 ECE 569
View Serializability (Cont.)
Example- H = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 c2 2. H2’ = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 C(H2’) = r1[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 C(H2’) is view equivalent to T1T3 T3 writes final version of y in both histories 3. H3’ = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 c2 C(H3’) = r1[x] w2[y] w2[x] r3[x] w1[y] c1 w3[y] c3 c2 C(H3’) is view equivalent to T1T2T3 T3 reads-x-from T2 in both histories. T2 writes final (only) version of x in both histories 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Two-Phase Locking (2PL)
Notation rli[x] - A read lock for element x granted to transaction Ti wli[x] - A write lock for x granted to Ti rui[x] - Release a read lock for x held by transaction Ti wui[x] - Release a write lock for x held by Ti 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Basic 2PL Protoco 1. Before executing pi[x], a lock pli[x] must be acquired on Ti’s behalf. If another transaction Tj is holding a lock qlj[x] that conflicts with pli[x] then the operation is delayed until the lock can be set. (well-formed) 2. The scheduler cannot release the lock pli[x] at least until the completion of pi[x] has been acknowledged. 3. A transaction cannot acquire any new locks after it has released a lock. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Basic 2PL 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Correctness of 2PL Characteristics of 2PL Histories
1. If oi[x] C(H) then a) oli[x] C(H) and oli[x] <H oi[x]; and b) oui[x] C(H) implies oi[x] <H oui[x] 2. If pi[x] and qj[x] (i j) are conflicting operations on x in C(H), then either: a) pui[x] <H qlj[x]; or b) quj[x] <H pli[x] 3. If pi[x] and qi[y] are in C(H), then pli[x] <H qui[y] 11/23/2018 ECE 569
2PL ??? CSR 2PL histories are a subset of CSR histories
r1[A] w1[A] r2[A] w3[A] c3 r1[B] w1[B] c1 r2[B] c2 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Correctness of 2PL (Cont.)
Theorem- Every 2PL history is CSR Proof I. Ti Tj SG(H) implies there is an element x for which pui[x] <H qlj[x] a) The edge Ti Tj SG(H) implies that pi <H qj. b) By 2 above, we know that pui[x] <H qlj[x] or quj[x] <H pli[x] c) Assume quj[x] <H pli[x]. By 1(a), 1(b) and transititivity, we get qj <H pi. But this contradicts I(a). 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Correctness of 2PL (Cont.)
II. If T1 T2 ... Tk is a path in SG(H) then pu1[x] <H qlk[y] for some x and y. a) Basis: T1 Tk SG(H) pu1[x] <H qlk[x] holds by argument in I. b) Induction Step: Assume that hypothesis holds for path T1 T2 Tk. Now consider path T1 T2 ... Tk Tk+1. qlk[z] <H puk[y] follows from 3 above. Becuase Tk Tk+1 SG(H), from I we know there is a y, puk[y] <H qlk+1[y] Thus, qlk[z] <H qlk+1[y]. Combining this with induction hypothesis (pu1[x] <H qlk[z]), we get pu1[x] <H qlk[y] 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Correctness of 2PL (Cont.)
III. Assume that SG(H) contains a cycle T1 T2 ... Tn T1. From II, this implies pu1[x] <H ql1[y]. But this contradicts the two-phase rule (3). Must assume that 2PL schedules are CSR. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Deadlock T1: T2: l1(A) l2(B) r1(A) r2(B)
l1(B) // T1 waits l2(A) // T2 waits 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Other Variations Conservative 2PL Strict 2PL (Rigorous 2PL)
When a transaction starts, it predeclares the set of elements it will read and write A transaction must acquire all of its locks before it executes any operations. If all locks cannot be acquired, any acquired locks are released. Deadlock is avoided because no locks are held while requesting other locks. Strict 2PL (Rigorous 2PL) Release all locks only after transaction commits Rigorous histories ensure that serialization order is compatible with commit order. Which avoids cascading rollback? 11/23/2018 ECE 569
11/23/2018 ECE 569
Serializability Requirements
Lock everything transaction accesses Do not lock after unlock. Backout may have to undo a unlock (= lock). So do not release locks prior to commit ECE 569
Degrees of Isolation SQL allows client to trade-off isolation against performance by specifying a degree of isolation. 0° - Does not overwrite another transaction’s dirty data if the other transaction is 1° or better. transaction gets short xlocks for writes (well formed writes not 2Ø, no read locks) 1° - No lost updates transaction gets no read locks (well formed and 2Ø writes,) 2° - No lost updates or dirty reads transaction releases read locks right after read (well formed with respect to reads but not 2Ø with respect to reads) 3° - No lost updates and repeatable reads (implies serializability) well formed and 2Ø ECE 569
Isolation Levels Theorem
What is effect of some transactions employing an isolation level lower than 3°? If others lock 1° or better and I obey 0°, 1°, 2° or 3° any legal history will give me 1°, 2° or 3° isolation. But the DB may be corrupted! Must ensure that if I allow dirty reads, I can still produce consistent updates. ECE 569
Comparison of Isolation Levels
Issue Degree 0 Degree 1 Degree 2 Degree 3 Common name Chaos Isolated Serializable Repeatable reads Browse read uncommited Cursor stability read committed Protection Provided Lets others run at higher isolation 0 and no lost updates 1+ No dirty reads 2 + Repeatable reads Rollback supported Committed data Writes visible immediately Writes visible at eot Same Dirty data You don't overwrite dirty data 0 and others do not overwrite your dirty data 0, 1, and you don't read dirty 0,1,2 and others don't produce dirty data you read Lock protocol Set short Set long 1 and set short 1 and set long exclusive locks on data you write share locks on data you read Trans structure Well-formed Wrt writes wrt writes Two-phase And and Concurrency Greatest: only set short write locks Great: only wait for Medium: hold few read locks Lowest: any data touched Locked to eot ECE 569
Comparison of Isolation Levels
W W W R R W None Dependencies same Same Apply log in 1° order Dangerous, Updates may be lost and violate 3° System Recovery Can Undo incomplete transactions UNDO may cascade Cant rollback Rollback Most: Set long R&W Medium: Set R&W but short R Small: Only write locks Least: short W locks Overhead Degree 3 Degree 2 Degree 1 Degree 0 Issue ECE 569
The Phantom Problem Phantom Records (if the locks are for each record)
If I try to read hair = "red" and eyes = "blue" and get not found, what gets locked? No records have been accessed so no records get locked If I delete a record, what gets locked? (the record is gone) Predicate Locks can solve this problem Page Locks (done right) can also solve this problem lock the red hair page and the blue eye page, prevents others red hair and blue eye inserts & updates High volume TP systems use esoteric locking mechanisms: Key Range Locks to protect b-trees Hole Locks to protect space for uncommitted deletes ECE 569
Predicate Locks Read and write sets can be defined by predicates (e.g. Where clauses in SQL statements) When a transaction accesses a set for the first time, Automatically capture the predicate Do set intersection with predicates of others. Delay this transaction if conflict with others. Problems with predicate locks: Set intersection = predicate satisfiability is NP complete (slow). Hard to capture predicates Pessimistic: Jim locks eye = blue Andreas locks hair=red Predicate says conflict, but DB may not have blue eyed red haired person. ECE 569
Granular Locks Idea Pick a fixed set of predicates
They form a lattice under and, or This can be represented as a graph Lock the nodes in this graph Example Can lock whole DB, whole file, or just one key value. Size of lock is called granule. ECE 569
Lock Granularity Compatibility Matrix Mode I ntent S hare e X clusive
Batch wants to lock whole DB Interactive wants to lock records How can we allow both granularities? Intention mode locks on coarse granules Compatibility Matrix Mode I ntent S hare e X clusive + - ECE 569
Lock Granularity: refined intent modes
Intent mode locks say locks being set at finer granularity If only reading at finer granularity then I compatible with S. Introduce IS: intend to set fine S locks IX: intend to set fine S or X locks SIX: S + IX Compatibility Matrix IS IX S SIX X + - ECE 569
Granularity Example T1 T2 T3 Rules for a granularity tree
has record locks in file 1 and file 2. T2 all of file 3 locked shared mode most of file 2 locked shared (fine granularity) T3 waiting DATABASE FILE FILE FILE-3 KEY-A T1:IX, T2:IS T3:S T1:X T1:S, T2:S T1:IX T2:S T2:IS T1:S Rules for a granularity tree Lock root to leaf If set X,S below get IX or IS above Rules for a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) Get ONE IS,IS,...,S path for reads Get ALL IX,IX,...,X paths for a write ECE 569
Update Mode Locks Most common form of deadlock
T1 READ A (lock A shared) T2 READ A (lock A shared) T1 UPDATE A (lock A exclusive, wait for T2) T2 UPDATE A (deadlock A exclusive, wait for T1) Introduce update mode lock Compatibility Matrix IS IX S SIX U X + - U compatible with S so updaters do not hurt readers. S is not compatible with U - makes other readers wait. ECE 569
Lock Conversion If requested lock already held in one mode, new mode is: max (old, requested) X SIX U IX S IS ECE 569
Key Range Locking (for Phantoms)
Operations Read unique(x) /* return value associated with key x */ Read next(x) /* return value associated with first key value following x */ Insert(x, v); /* associate value v with key value x */ Delete(x) /* delete value associated with key value x */ Insert between X and Y must test to see that no one else cares that [X,Y] was empty, but is now full, i.e., no other concurrent trans did a Read Next("X");). ECE 569
Key Range Locking (static ranges)
Static Ranges - [A,B), [B,C),...., [Z,¥) Insert(x, v) and Delete(x) must get exclusive lock on range x falls in. Read(x) gets shared lock on range x falls in Read Next(x) gets shared lock on all key ranges between that of x and the range of the next key value (the value returned). Lock first element in range as surrogate for the range. Must get any necessary intention locks as well. ECE 569
Key Range Locking (dynamic ranges)
Use actual key values in relation to construct key ranges. Insertions and deletions will change the set of ranges. Example - Relation contains A, C, T, W, X. Ranges are [A, C), [C, T), [T, W), [W, X), [X, ) Insertion of U, will split range [T, W) into [T, U) and [U, W). Locking Protocol Read unique(x) If found need to protect it from deletion (how?) If not found need to protect against its later insertion (how?) Read next(x) Assume that transaction holds lock on x already and the next key value is y. Need to protect against an insertion between x and y (how?) Need to protect y against deletion (wait until we consider delete) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Key Range Locking (dynamic ranges)
Insert(x) Assume that F is being inserted into A, C, T, W, X. Will transform [C, T) to [C, F) and [F, T). Get exclusive lock on [C, T) to ensure that no other transaction has it locked. Get exclusive lock on [F, T). Can now drop lock on [C, T) but hold lock on [F, T) until commit. (Why??) Delete(x) Assume that F is being deleted from A, C, F, T, W, X Will merge [C, F) and [F, T) into [C, T). Get exclusive lock on [F, T) and then one on [C, F). Why is this order necessary? When can these locks be released? Comments After lock wait may need to revalidate the key range to make sure it has not changed in the mean time. How do we know this protocol ensures isolation? 11/23/2018 ECE 569
DAG Locking In general predicate locks and key-range locks form a DAG not just a tree a lock can have many parents. Blue-eye key range Blonde-hair key range. Hierarchical locks work for this. Read locks any path Writes lock all paths. Hair Index Auburn Black Blonde Brunette Platinum Red White Yellow Eye Index Blue Brown Green Gray Famous People T : IX, T' : IX T : IX T’ : IX T : X T' : S Hair Red Hair Blue Eyes Don Marilyn Monroe ECE 569
Discussion How can we avoid phantom problem in project if we do page locking? Which pages must be locked (until end of transaction)? Data dictionary pages? Hash bucket pages? Pages in relation? Which ones? How can we avoid phantoms with tuple level locking? Relations with an index? Those without an index? 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Phantom Solutions for Hash Index
How can we synchronize search in hash file? 1. Lock header block. Get exclusive lock for insertion or deletion, shared locks for searching. This solution suffers from low concurrency 2. Acquire shared or exclusive locks on hash bucket. This solution is much better. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Phantom Solutions for Hash Indexes
3. An Intention Locking Approach Search for key K Acquire a shared semaphore on appropriate hash bucket. Acquire a shared lock on K’ where K’ is largest key in hash bucket less than or equal to K. Release semaphore. Insertion Get exclusive semaphore on appropriate hash bucket. Acquire an ix lock on K’ where K’ is largest key in hash bucket less than or equal to K. Acquire an exclusive lock on K. Release intention lock. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
An Intention Locking Approach
Deletion Get exclusive semaphore on appropriate hash bucket. Get an ix lock on K. Release semaphore. Discussion of approach 3. Is concurrency better than approach 2? Does it solve the phantom problem? Can the protocol be improved (i.e., fewer or less restrictive locks)? 11/23/2018 ECE 569
B-tree synchronization
When searching for the key value down the path, first acquire shared-lock on the root, then go down one level, and acquire shared-lock on that index node, then release the lock on the root page Locking on the leave page is more interesting 11/23/2018 ECE 569
B-tree synchronization (cont’d)
Exact-match query: search for all the tuples with key value c Acquire the shared lock on the range [c, c_next) where c_next is the next key value higher than c Range query [c1,c2] Acquire the shared locks on the range [c1, w), [w, x), [x, y), …., [z, c2), [c2, n_next) Insert c Acquire the ix lock on the range [c1, c2) where c1 <= c <= c2 Insert, [c1,c2) will be split into [c1,c) and [c, c2) Acquire exclusive lock on [c, c2) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Locking API lock(name, - name of resource mode, - S, X, SIX, IX, IS, U
duration - instant, short, long wait) - no, timeout, yes unlock(name, - name of resource clear) - decrement count to zero or not. Locks must count if lock twice and unlock once, lock kept 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Requirements Lock and unlock operations must be atomic
Lock manager must be fast for common case (i.e., lock can be acquired immediately) Must keep lock table small Lock table must allow high concurrency 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Approach Lock table implemented as hash table
Hash on the lock name One mutex per hash chain Locks not held by any transaction are removed from lock table. Use efficient methods to allocate and deallocate lock table entries Pool of preallocated lock table entries These operations will be common because lock conflicts are rare. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Lock Table Implementation
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Lock Table Implementation
LOCK Control Flow Hash name & Search lock table
Not Found (lock is free) Construct lock header and lock request Add to lock table and exit Lock Already Granted To Requestor? Yes (conversion case) Requested Mode Compatible With Other Granted requests? Yes Grant, Increment Count, Exit No Increment Count, Set convert mode, Wait No (new request case) Allocate lock request and insert at end of queue. Anyone Waiting? Mark lock request waiting, Wait Compatible With Grantees? Yes - Then Grant No - Wait Exit ECE 569
UNLOCK Control Flow Hash Name & Search lock table
Find lock request In Queue Decrement Count If Count > 0 then Exit - lock remains held Remove lock request from queue If Queue Empty then Deallocate Lock Header and exit For Each Waiting Conversion If Compatible With Granted Group then Mark lock request granted & Wakeup If No Conversions Waiting Then For Each Waiter (in FIFO order) If Compatible With Granted then Mark Lock Request granted & Wakeup Else Exit ECE 569
Blocking Transactions
One approach Transaction must be blocked if conflicting lock is held by another transaction. Assume that a lock request contains a condition variable. To block transaction, do a wait on condition variable. Before blocking transaction, register a “wakeup call”. Alarm thread wakes up occasionally and unblocks threads that have registered “wakeups”. When a lock is released, pick one of the pending requests, grant lock and unblock waiting thread (i.e., signal condition variable in lock request). 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Blocking Transactions (Cont.)
When a transaction becomes unblocked, it must check to see if the lock was granted. If not, remove lock request node and return lock_timeout response. When a transaction receives a lock_timeout response, it must “clean up” and then return a error response to the client. Clean up includes: Free allocated memory Unfix buffers 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Locking Performance Goal- Predict the effect of various design decisions on throughput and response time of transactions Assumptions Data items are accessed with uniform probability All locks are exclusive Strict 2PL Performance objective- Provide maximum throughput, while keeping response time below t seconds for 90% of all transactions (TPC Benchmark) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Data Contention and Thrashing
Resource Contention Resources- memory, CPU time, or I/O channels When resources become overcommitted, system becomes less productive using more resources on unproductive work, e.g., page faults. Data Contention Transactions contend for locks causing: Blocking Restarts (deadlock) 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Data Contention and Throughput
Thrashing throughput The rate at which transactions complete MPL The number of active transactions Initially, increasing the MPL increases throughput. At the point of thrashing, further increases in MPL reduce throughput. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Data Contention Thrashing
DC-Thrashing Blocking is main cause of DC-Thrashing Restart rate is low at onset of thrashing (1-2%) After onset of DC-Thrashing, adding one transaction blocks more than one transaction Very little blocking is necessary to cause DC-Thrashing. At onset: Average length of lock queues can be less than one Most deadlock cycles will have only two transactions If half the transactions are blocked, there is a good chance of DC- Thrashing. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
A Simple Model for Blocking
Based on Section of text. Definitions N MPL of the system k Number of locks acquired by each transaction D The number of data elements in the database Blocking probability Each transaction holds approximately k/2 locks. At any given time, the number of locks held by other transactions is 11/23/2018 ECE 569
A Simple Model for Blocking
The probability a request is blocked is: PW = The probability a transaction is blocked is: DC-Workload Defined as DC-Thrashing begins roughly when PW(T) = .75 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Deadlock Probability of Deadlock
Cycle of length 2 - Transactions T1 and T2 Probability that T1 waits for some transaction is PW(T). Call the transaction it waits for T2. Probability that T2 waits for the transaction T1 is PW(T)/(N - 1), i.e., 1/(N - 1) times the probability it waits for some transaction Probability a transaction participates in a cycle of length 2 is Probability a transaction participates in a cycle of length 3 is proportional to PW(T)3 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Deadlock (Cont.) For low probability of waiting, cycles of length 3 can be ignored. Probability any transaction deadlocks is approximately 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Granularity The effect of granularity
The number of locks acquired by a transaction, k, is a function of D. As D increases so does k until the granularity of an access matches that of the locks. If a transaction accesses a few tuples in a large database, moving from page level granularity to tuple level granularity (D increases) will not increase k significantly. To reduce granularity to the bit level will increase D and also increase k in the same proportion. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
Granularity (Cont.) Example: Assume that k = D in some region.
PW(T) = ((N - 1) 2 D)/2 Thus, as D increases (granularity is made finer) so does probability of waiting. (Throughput decreases) Example: Assume that k = in some region. PW(T) = Thus, as D increases (granularity is made finer) probability of waiting decreases. (Throughput increases) At some point, we may see a downturn in throughput for further increases in D due to increased resource contention. 11/23/2018 ECE 569
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