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Quarkonium Spectroscopy

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1 Quarkonium Spectroscopy
2nd International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium Steve Godfrey Carleton University Wealth of new results in past year! Overview of Quark Potential Models Tests Puzzles and Problems Future Opportunities S. Godfrey, Carleton University

2 1. Potential Models: Spin independent potentials
Relativistic corrections Spin dependent effects Coupled channel effects Reviews: Kwong and Rosner, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 37, 325 (1987) Buchmuller and Cooper, Adv.Ser.Direct.High Energy Phys. 1, 412 (1988) Konigsmann, Phys. Rept. 139, 243 (1986). Thomas as has recent review and maybe quigg? S. Godfrey, Carleton University

3 Spin independent potentials
Meson quantum numbers characterized by given JPC: For given spin and orbital angular momentum configurations & radial excitations generates meson spectra 1-gluon exchange at short distance + linear confining potential S. Godfrey, Carleton University

4 Quark potential models are strongly supported by emperical
From Buchmuller & Tye PR D24, 132 (1981) Quark potential models are strongly supported by emperical agreement with quarkonium spectroscopy and with lattice QCD S. Godfrey, Carleton University

5 Spin-dependent potentials:
Spin-dependent interactions are (v/c)2 corrections Lorentz structure of confining potential: scalar? vector? pseudoscalar? … Mif = 1. Lorentz vector 1-gluon exchange + scalar confinement 2. If the confining interaction couples to the colour charge density so interaction is Gives rise to spin-dependent interactions S. Godfrey, Carleton University

6 Systematic treatment starts with Wilson loop
Expanding in 1/mQ write spin-dependent Hamiltonian in terms of static potential and correlation functions of colour electric and magnetic fields With some assumptions one obtains: Which corresponds to short range vector and long range scalar exchange Observation of 1P1 states is important test Eichten and Feinberg, PR D23, 2724 (1981) Gromes, Yukon Advanced Study Inst. S. Godfrey, Carleton University

7 Lorentz vector 1-gluon exchange + scalar confinement
y hc Spin-spin interactions: Spin-orbit interactions: 1P c2(13P2) c1(13P1) c0(13P0) S. Godfrey, Carleton University

8 But numerous variations exist:
eg. Ebert Faustov & Galkin introduce Lorentz vector piece of confining potential: Phys.Rev. D67, (2003); D62, (2000) also include anomalous chromomagnetic moment of the quark in VV: Long range magnetic contributions vanish from choice of Parameters (which is equivalent to scalar confinement) Also included spin independent relativistic effects S. Godfrey, Carleton University

9 Coupled Channel effects
Eichten et al, Phys Rev D17, 3090 (1978); D21, 203 (1980). Expected to be most important for states near threshold Induces splittings of states of different J with same L Mechanism induces strong 23S1 -13D1 mixing in charmonium: Shifts DM( 23S1)=mass –118 MeV vs DM(13S1)=-48 MeV explains large 13D1 leptonic width No work on this important subject since! S. Godfrey, Carleton University

10 bottomonium charmonium S. Godfrey, Carleton University

11 Bc S. Godfrey, Carleton University

12 1P1 vs 3Pcog mass – distinguish models
2. Tests: 1P1 vs 3Pcog mass – distinguish models In QM triplet-singlet splittings test the Lorentz nature of the confining potential Relativistic effects important validation of lattice QCD calculations NRQCD calculations Observation of 1P1 states is an important test of theory S. Godfrey, Carleton University

13 Wide variation of theoretical predictions:
QM QM QM PQCD lattice wide variation in predictions indicates need for experimental data S. Godfrey, Carleton University

14 3DJ masses – test spin dependent splittings
CESR/CLEO has just completed high statistics run at U(3S) Expect very rich spectroscopy S. Godfrey, Carleton University

15 There is still some question about the Lorentz
structure of the qq potential vector 1-gluon exchange + scalar confinement vector 1-gluon exchange + colour electric confinement + more complicated structures because the D-waves are larger they will feel the long range spin-dependent potential more than the P-waves observation of 3DJ would be important in understanding the Lorentz structure of the confining potential see Eichten & Feinberg PRL 43, 1205 (1979) Pantaleone Tye & Ng PR D33, 777 (1986); Buchmuller Ng & Tye PR D24, 3003 (1981) Gupta Radford & Repko PR D26, 3305 (1982); Gromes, Z. Phys C22, 265 (1984)….. S. Godfrey, Carleton University

16 Use angular distributions in E1 transitions to probe
internal structure eg mixing in charmonium SG, G. Karl, P.O’Donnell, Z. Phys. C31, 77 (1986) For q and q’ the angles between the photon and either lepton in the y or y’ rest frame the angular distributions are of the form: Where q is the mixing angle x=+1 for x=-1 for One could make a quantitative determination of the Mixing angle with new, more precise, measurements. S. Godfrey, Carleton University

17 3. Puzzles and Challenges in Quarkonium Spectroscopy
Puzzle 1. hc’ mass Is there a problem? 1. Quark models predict M(y’)- M(hc’)~50-90 MeV (GI model predicts 53 MeV Þ M(hc’)=3633 MeV) 2. Coupled channel mechanism shifts DM( 23S1)=mass –118 MeV vs DM(13S1)=-48 MeV Þ need more precise measurements need to include coupled channel effects 3637.7±4.4 MeV From Tomasz Skwarnicki Lepton-Photon’03 S. Godfrey, Carleton University

18 Puzzle 2. New state observed by Belle: X(3871)
hep-ex/ seeTomasz Skwarnicki Lepton-Photon’03 M= ± 0.6 ± 0.5 MeV 1. The mass of the state is right at the D0D*0 threshold! This suggests a loosely bound D0D*0 molecule, right below the dissociation energy “Molecular Charmonium” discussed in literature since 1975 Belle S. Godfrey, Carleton University

19 Should easily see y(13D2) → gg J/ y BUT:
2. 13D2 state? Because D-states have negative parity, spin-2 states cannot decay to DD They are narrow as long as below the DD* threshold Predict: Should easily see y(13D2) → gg J/ y BUT: Most models predict y(13D2) mass to be ~70 MeV lower than the measured X(3872) mass. At the same time they reproduce the U(13D2) mass very well. No models appear to accommodate y(3770) and X(3872) in the same 13DJ triplet! Can coupled channel effects and y(13D1)- y(23S1) mixing change this? 3. A charmonium hybrid? seeTomasz Skwarnicki Lepton-Photon’03 Belle hep-ex/ S. Godfrey, Carleton University

20 U(nS)®h(n’S) + g Puzzle 3: M1 transitions: production of hb(nS) states
S.G + J. Rosner, Phys Rev D64, (2001) Proceeds via magnetic dipole (M1) transitions: U(nS)®h(n’S) + g Hindered transitions have large phase space Relativistic corrections resulting in differences in 3S1 and 1S0 wavefunctions due to hyperfine interaction S. Godfrey, Carleton University

21 But no signal found! Is there a problem?
Ebert Faustov Galkin Is there a problem? Most likely due to poorly understood relativistic effects: S. Godfrey, Carleton University

22 4. Future Opportunities 1. More charmonium results at Belle and BaBar:
Find 1D2 and hc in B-decay 2. Charmonium results from BES-III and CLEO-c 3. PANDA at GSI: charmonium in pp annihilation 4. More Upsilon runs at CESR? 5. Upsilon runs at SLAC and KEK? 6. Quarkonium at LHC? S. Godfrey, Carleton University

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