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PGSD SPED Procedures for Google Drive
Google Drive Accessing your student’s IEP Folders in Google Drive:
Section 1: Accessing your student’s IEP Folders in Google Drive: In the left panel, you should now have a Folder Labeled Team Drive (Your MET Chair can give you access). Your IEP folder is located within the “ Your School’s Initials SPED” Folder Once you have entered the above folder, click on the IEP sub-folder. In the IEP folder, you will see sub-folders for each grade level at your school as well as a sub-folder for your SLP’s IEPs. Once you click on the grade level of your student(s), you should see a folder for each student with an IEP in that grade. You should NEVER delete or move a student’s folder once it has been created and documents have been uploaded. Also, Never share contents from a folder with outside individuals (Confidentiality).
Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form
Section 2: Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 1. Create an IEP folder on your desktop. In order to begin the IEP Writing process, you will need to first create IEP Folders on your computer for each student on your caseload (Hint: Create a primary folder on your desktop labeled “17.18 IEPS” and then place/create subfolders for each student within that folder).
2. Download a blank copy of the IEP form to your computer.
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 2. Download a blank copy of the IEP form to your computer. Next, download a copy of the PGSD IEP PDF Form (you may download this from the “Download Draft IEPs Here” folder) to your desktop.
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form
3. Place a copy of the IEP form in each of the student folders that you created. Make a copy the PGSD IEP Form and paste a blank form in each of student’s folders that you created in Step 1 (This will serve as the initial “working” copy of your students’ IEPs).
4. Begin working on Your IEPs!!!
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 4. Begin working on Your IEPs!!! Once you are ready to begin writing your IEPs, remember that you should only open and save the forms using Adobe Reader 11, DC or higher (Note: If you open the pdf in a browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, the document WILL NOT save).
5. Make sure to always save a student’s IEP.
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 5. Make sure to always save a student’s IEP. Always do a “Save As” FIRST before you fill in anything on the IEP form. You will need to rename each student’s working/draft IEP using the standardized file naming system at this time (We want to be consistent across the district). While working on this document in draft form, always click “Save” before closing the IEP document.
Standard IEP Archiving for Google Drive IEP Folder
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 6. Finalizing your IEP and Getting Ready to Upload! Once you have finalized your initial IEP (i.e. meeting held and any final changes made), be sure to click “Save” and ensure that the IEP is correctly labeled by meeting date (See below: Standard IEP Archiving) Standard IEP Archiving for Google Drive IEP Folder Original IEP – Smith, J_17.18IEP pdf (Date of IEP Meeting on File Name) Revision of IEP (save as) - Smith, J_17.18 IEP pdf (Revision Date – Added Goals) Review of IEP (save as) - Smith, J_17.18 IEP pdf (Review Date – Parent meeting, review progress) ESY Determination (save as) - Smith, J_17.18 IEP pdf (ESY determination meeting)
7. Uploading the Finalized IEP into Google drive.
Section 2 Continued : Writing and Archiving IEPs using the PGSD IEP Form 7. Uploading the Finalized IEP into Google drive. You will ALWAYS upload/archive your initial finalized IEP (ASAP after the meeting) by doing the following: ing a copy of the finalized copy of the IEP document (with any changes that were made to the draft from the meeting saved) to your school’s MET Chair The MET Chair will Upload this copy of the IEP document(s) directly to the student’s IEP Folder in your School’s Team Drive within Google Drive (labeled with your school’s initials (SPED)) Note: This procedure will ensure that we have backups of our documents in at least 2 places
IEP Revisions/Updates
Section 3: IEP Revisions/Updates When you need to revise a student’s IEP (based on IEP committee recommendations), follow these steps: Go to the student’s IEP folder on your computer and/or thumb drive and locate the most recent finalized version of that student’s IEP (check the dates) Click on the most recent finalized version and do a “’Save As” before you update/revise anything on the IEP. You will complete the “Save As” by renaming the IEP file to reflect that an IEP Revision has occurred. (See Revision of IEP Example in Standard IEP Archiving Above). The new draft version of the form should remain in the same folder (on your computer or thumb drive) as the other finalized version(s) of the IEP form.
IEP Revisions/Updates (continued)
Section 3: Continued IEP Revisions IEP Revisions/Updates (continued) Hold your meeting. Either during or after the IEP meeting, UPDATE the draft copy to reflect any revisions to the IEP (determined by the IEP committee). In order to document those in attendance, you can: Type the names of those in attendance on finalized copy of the IEP pdf And/or Scan a copy of the signed review/revision page (this will need to be uploaded with the student’s folder and labeled Smith,J. R_R page (date). Be sure to ALWAYS click “Save” before closing the document (you don’t want to lose your work).
Finalizing and Uploading your IEP update/revision.
Section 3: Continued IEP Revisions Finalizing and Uploading your IEP update/revision. After you have saved the finalized version of your IEP Revision, a copy of the finalized version of the IEP (as per your school’s formal procedure) to your MET Chair. You are also encouraged to include scanned copies of the invitation and PWN (to be documented in this folder) The MET Chair will upload this copy of the IEP document(s) directly to the student’s IEP Folder in your School’s Team Drive within Google Drive (labeled with your school’s initials (SPED)) After an appropriate amount of time, Check You’re School’s Team Drive to ensure that the appropriate document has been labeled and uploaded to your school’s Team Drive. Remember, You should only upload an IEP file to Google Drive after an IEP meeting with revisions. The drive should only have as many IEP files as you have had IEP meetings.
Extra Help: Rules and Hints for using the PDF IEP
Rule #1 – Only open and save the forms in Adobe Reader 11, DC or up Rule #2 – Always do a Save As FIRST before you fill in anything Rule #3 – If you have been working in a form, click out of a field before you print or save, or that field won’t show up (fun, huh!!) Rule #4 – Use a file naming system that is consistent Rule #5 – Use backups or cloud accounts to keep your work secure Rule #6 – Type ALL phone numbers as 10 straight digits; hit ENTER or click off the field and the phone number auto- formats with () and – ( becomes (123) ) Rule #7 – Type ALL dates as MM.DD.YYYY; hit ENTER or click off the field and the date will auto-format with slashes where the dots are, MM/DD/YYYY ( becomes 01/04/2016) Rule #8 – Only ADD a PAGE from the last page of that type added. If you add a goal page, add the next one from the one you added last. Best practice, ONLY add pages as you complete them. Please don’t add several at once (you cannot delete added pages using Adobe DC). It becomes a HUGE MESS. A few more hints… Text in most blanks and text blocks is auto-sizing. When the space is maxed out with text, it shrinks text to fit as you add more text. It is possible to copy (Cntl-C) text and paste it into a new text block (Cntl-V), but not multiple blocks or fields at once. It is NOT POSSIBLE to delete pages (that is why it is important to be careful when adding them), but you can choose to print only the pages you want. (i.e., printer dialog box- specific pages 3-5,8,12) It is NOT POSSIBLE to copy and paste entire pages into these documents.
Section 4: Creating IEP Folders in Drive for your Students
Notes : Roster Teachers will only have the access to create IEP folders at the beginning and end of the year. During the year, MET Chairs will need to create new folders). Roster Teachers will be able to create folders and upload documents in Google Drive for students being evaluated for MET and/or an FBA (see procedures).
Section 5: Uploading documents to the student’s IEP Folder
Option 1: (From your Computer): Ensure that all documents are ready for upload (Saved & Appropriately Labeled). Open the student’s IEP folder in Your Team Drive. Click the blue New button. Choose File Upload or Folder Upload (This will allow you to browse your computer for files or folders that you need to upload). Select the file(s) that you will be uploading. Click Open (The uploaded file(s) should now be in the student’s folder). Option 2: (From your ): Open the with the attached document. Scroll over the attached document (You will see icons that will allow you to either “Download” the Document or “Save to Drive”. Click the “Save to Drive” Icon (Now the document is in your drive) Now click “Organize in Drive” Click “Move in Drive” Find your Schools IEP Folders in Team. Once you locate the student’s folder, Click on the Student’s Folder and Click “Move Here” and Click “Ok”. The File is now in the folder Important Notes : Roster Teachers will only have the access to create IEP folders at the beginning and end of the year. During the year, MET Chairs will need to upload IEP Revisions ed to them into student folders Roster Teachers will be able to create folders and upload documents in Google Drive for students being evaluated for MET and/or an FBA (see procedures).
Section 6: Procedures for Related Service Providers (Speech, OT, PT, etc.).
Please follow these steps with regard to IEP Writing and Archiving: The special education teacher (roster teacher) coordinates with the Related Service provider prior to the start of the IEP writing process (Special Education Teachers will need to give the Related Service provider enough time to collect data and complete the Related Service Provider IEP Packet) The Related Service Provider will complete the Related Service Provider IEP Packet (Please fill in all of the information that will need to be included on the draft IEP (PLAFFP, Goals, Related Services, etc.). Be sure to complete the Packet in Adobe Reader 11 or above (not your internet browser) and click “SAVE”. The Related Service Provider will a copy of the completed Related Service Provider IEP Packet to the student’s roster teacher and the school’s MET Chair. The student’s Roster Teacher will copy ALL of the content from the Related Service Provider IEP Packet forms (unless there is a concern) and paste it into the student’s draft (working) IEP. Roster teachers should remember to always work your IEPs in Adobe (11 or higher) and ALWAYS click “Save” before closing the document. Once you feel that the IEP Draft is ready to be presented to the parent, send out the invitation (with reply) and meet with the parent to go over the draft IEP. You will need to have paper copies of the Draft IEP at the meeting. During the meeting, make any necessary changes and have the parent sign the IEP (if they are in attendance). After the IEP meeting, go to the most recent draft of the IEP saved on your computer. Make any corrections (as noted during the IEP meeting) to this electronic copy and type the names of those who attending the meeting. Save the corrected IEP (remember the naming structure) and to MET Chair about uploading the finalized IEP to the student’s IEP folder in your Schools Team Drive. Provide a copy of the completed/signed IEP to the Related Service Provider (Please document that it was given).
Section 7: Accessing your School’s MET/FBA Folders in Google Drive
Enter your Google Drive Account using your PGSD address ( On the left panel, Click on the Shared with Me Find the folder labeled with Your School’s Initials followed by (MET & FBA Folder Here). Your school’s sub-folders for MET (Evaluation and Eligibility), FBAs/BIPs, and Shared (OC, Homebound, etc.) are located here. Once you have entered the above folder, click on the sub-folder (i.e., FBA/BIP [17.18])that you will be working in. Once you enter your school’s sub-folder for MET or FBA/BIP, you will go to the In-Process folder to begin working (Note: Shared folders do not have an In Process folder) . In the “In Process” folder, you will create a folder for your student and upload documents (per our procedures) for other district employees to review. MET (Evaluation and Eligibility)- Documents for Diagnostic Evaluators to use for MET and the Evaluation Process (see procedures) FBA/BIP- Documents for Behavior Specialists and School Psychologists to use to complete FBAs and BIPs (see procedures) Any other Shared Folder- Use this to upload IEPs and Documents that need to be shared if a student moves to other setting or environment (e.g., OC or Homebound). After an Evaluation or FBA process is complete, folders in the “In Process” folder should be moved to the “Completed” folder (consult with and/or you assigned diagnostic staff member before moving a folder to completed. You should NEVER delete a student’s folder once it has been created and documents have been uploaded. Also, Never share contents from a folder with outside individuals (Confidentiality).
Section 8: Shared Folders in Google Drive
Shared folders are designed to support collaboration as students transition from one school/setting to another. *If a student is moving from one setting to another, a sub-folder should be created within the appropriate shared folder. Note: Shared Folders are not in your Team Drive. This type of folder will be located in your school’s (Create MET & FBA Folders Here) Folder. School to an Alternate and/or Temporary Placement (LRE) Folders: After the IEP team determines that a change of placement is appropriate, the sending school designee (i.e., MET Chair) will place a copy of the finalized IEP (from the change of placement meeting or MDR) in the shared folder (e.g., OC, HB, etc.). This folder is not in Team Drive (see above) and its contents should be shared with only relevant staff from the receiving school/setting (i.e., OC or HB teacher). If the receiving school/setting conducts a revision of the student’s IEP, the procedures from section 5 should be followed; however, the finalized Revised IEP file should be uploaded into the shared folder. Upon the student’s return to the home school, any revisions should be placed in the student’s original IEP folder (in Team Drive). Example: An MDR was held for Johnny. The IEP team determined that the behavior was not a manifestation of his disability, so school admin were able to go ahead with a move to the alternative school. After the meeting, the student’s roster teacher updated the most recent draft of the IEP to reflect the change in placement and a change in service minutes. She saved the finalized version on her computer, and ed it to the MET chair to upload into Google Drive. The MET Chair uploaded the finalized version to the student’s current IEP folder in Google Drive. She also created a folder for the student her school’s shared OC Folder. She placed a copy of the most recent finalized IEP (from the MDR meeting) in that folder for the OC teacher. School to School Shared Folders: Before a student transitions from one school to another (Moving from one school to another at the end of the year, etc.), the sending school will house the shared folder within their “Create MET & FBA Folders Here” Folder. This folder will be shared with only relevant staff members from the receiving school (i.e., MET Chair, SLP, etc) as the sending school works on the IEP. Once all IEPs are finalized and uploaded, the contents of the Shared Folder should be moved to the appropriate grade level folders at the receiving school. At that point the previous school will no longer have access to the IEP folders. Example: The IEPs for upcoming 7th graders will initially be created in the Shared Folder at Academy level. The MET Chair and related staff members at the middle school will coordinate with Academy level 6th grade teachers to complete IEPs before the end of the current school year. Once all IEP meetings have been held and finalized IEPs uploaded, the MET Chair will transfer the contents of the shared folder to the 17.18 IEP folder (in Team Drive) for 7th grade students.
Google Drive Section 9: Accessing the Special Education Documents Folder in Google Drive: Enter your Google Drive Account using your PGSD address ( On the left panel, Click on the Team Drive Find the folder labeled Special Education Documents Within the folder, you will see multiple sub-folders Click on the desired subfolder (Each folder contains documents related to that particular topic). You may download documents and files from each folder to your computer (Note: If you attempt to copy of document, you will not be able to move it out of the folder). The only documents that should be uploaded or edited within this drive are those housed in the Invitations and Prior Written Notice (IEP) MET (Eval,. Re-eval., Eligibility) PGSD Forms and Procedures IEP Information (PGSD) Additional Forms and Training Comparable Services Forms and Procedures Behavior Support SPED PGDS (Forms and Resources ESY Transition Documents LRE and FAPE SPED State Board Policy 7219 (Divided by Chapters) Procedural Safeguards (Multiple Versions) R360 Training Documents SPED PLC Meetings by month (MET Chairs will upload PLC Documents here).
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