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Phoenix Family Overview Test with Confidence.

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Presentation on theme: "Phoenix Family Overview Test with Confidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phoenix Family Overview Test with Confidence

2 Why Combustion Analysis?
Emissions Power Fuel Economy Durability Engine R&D The performance of the engine depends largely on the processes taking place inside the combustion chamber and engine cylinder. Misfire Ignition Delay Mass Fraction Burned/Heat Release Indicated Mean Effective Pressures (IMEP)

3 Phoenix Product Line Phoenix AM (Acquisition Module)
Phoenix RT (Real Time) Phoenix CAS (Combustion Analysis Software) Phoenix C3

4 Phoenix AM The Phoenix AM is a high-speed data acquisition module used to perform online combustion analysis.

5 Features 12 high-speed analog input channels 8 digital input channels
Gigabit Ethernet connection to the PC Built in Crank Angle Processor (CAPRO)

6 Crank Angle Processor (CAPRO)
The built-in crank angle processor offers: Support for common missing tooth configurations (i.e. 60-2, 36-1) Adaptive debounce support (speed dependent spike detection) Can multiply the incoming encoder signal to 0.1° Definable thresholds for rising or falling edges between 0-5V

7 Phoenix RT A high-performance processor that connects to the Phoenix AM to allow for real-time cycle-by-cycle analysis.

8 Features Real-time cycle-by-cycle combustion analysis
Support for user-defined cycle-by-cycle calculations Multiple cycle-by-cycle streaming output choices Digital output channels

9 Works for all ICEs in a range of applications
Gasoline Diesel Alternative Fuels Wide range of applications Engine Calibration ECU rapid prototyping Knock evaluation Research

10 Typical calculated combustion parameters
Indicated Mean Effective Pressures (IMEP) Full Knock evaluation Start and End of Combustion Mass Fraction Burned / Heat Release Peak Pressure and Location of Peak Pressure Maximum Rise and Location of Maximum Rise Rate Combustion Noise Level Evaluation Ignition and Injection Timing Ignition Delay Includes all statistics

11 Phoenix AM/RT System Configuration
CAS Engine Encoder Phoenix AM Transducers Phoenix RT Charge Amplifier Streaming outputs to 3rd party systems

12 Phoenix AM/RT System Configurations
12-channel Phoenix RT 36-channel Phoenix RT 24- and 48-channel configurations also available.

13 Phoenix CAS Configures and operates Phoenix AM/RT
Easy to configure display elements Oscilloscopes/Strip charts Tables Gauges Saves data to multiple file formats AVL IFile MATLAB CSV (Excel) MDF4 (INCA) Post processing and data visualization applications All inclusive software (No costly add-ons)

14 Post Processing Pro Included with every Phoenix CAS license
Engine and test parameters can be changed after the test and results can be re-calculated Increases test cell utilization by eliminating the need for re-running a test

15 Phoenix C3 A compact, configurable combustion analysis system ideally suited for in-vehicle testing, or applications with up to 12 channels.

16 In-Vehicle Configuration with Phoenix C3
Connect directly to the crank position sensor Built in encoder signal conditioner Combined Phoenix AM and RT capabilities No built-in charge amp is required: Keeps the combustion system modular No need to replace existing charge amplifiers Compatible with other charge amplifier vendors Allows charge amplifiers to be positioned close to the sensor

17 Stackable Design The stackable design eliminates the need for tools.

18 Multiple Configurations
4-channel 8-channel 12-channel Match the channel count to the application requirements

19 Headless Operation Configurable with any device through the web browser No need for a connection to a PC or any other device No more worries about operating system updates

20 Intuitive Web GUI for Configuration
Index – system and module information Live Data – cylinder pressure traces

21 Data Storage Phoenix C3 has storage capacity for conducting long test cycles, such as FTP 75.

22 Seamless ETAS INCA Integration
Combustion analysis data seen through the INCA interface

23 Closed Loop Control Cycle-by-cycle combustion results can be infinitely streamed to third-party systems using standardized protocols. Engine Data Cycle-by-cycle data

24 “Set it and forget it” Once configured, the Phoenix C3 runs automatically; no babysitting required.

25 The Phoenix Family Phoenix C3 Phoenix AM/RT
High-quality combustion analysis in a variety of configurations and channel counts to fit any application; easily expandable to keep up with growing testing requirements.

26 Phoenix Family Specifications
AM/RT System Channels 4,8 or 12 high speed; 4 per input module 12, 24, 36 or 48; 12 per AM module Acquisition Rate 12 0.1° up to 8,000 RPM 2 Mhz 48 0.1° up to 20,000 RPM 2 Mhz Test Bench Interfaces XCP, CANbus Winsocket, ASAP3, UDP, XCP, CANbus Input Power VDC (20 120/240V 50/60 Hz VAC external power supply VDC (50 12VDC) 120/240 V 50/60 HZ VAC external power supply Typical Applications In vehicle; ECU calibration Transient; cycle-by-cycle condition monitoring

27 30 Years of Experience ACAP Baseline CAS Phoenix AM Phoenix C3
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Redline CAS Redline II CAS Phoenix RT

28 Thank You!

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