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GAA SGC Coordinator Workshop

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1 GAA SGC Coordinator Workshop

2 GAA SGC Coordinator Training Workshop
Super Games Centres – An Introduction

3 Learning Outcomes During the next 10 mins you will learn about:
Current Status of Youth Participation within the GAA GAA Super Games Centre Concept GAA Super Games Centre Ethos

4 Current Trends with the GAA Youth Population
GAA and Youth Participation Current Trends with the GAA Youth Population A total of 50% of males and 33% of females reported playing Gaelic games. Participation was found to be lower in urban areas than rural areas Older adolescents were found to have lower levels of participation in Gaelic Games compared to younger adolescents. (Burns et al 2014) Link to Burns Video

5 GAA and Youth Participation
Review Registration Data report for 2015 for updates percentage and graph.

6 Lack of perceived competence Competitively matched
GAA and Youth Participation Why Participate? / Why Drop Off? Participation Drop Off Developmental Lack of Fun Age Related Coach Conflicts Games Based Lack of perceived competence Lack of Playing Time Competitively matched

7 GAA ‘Play to Stay’ Programme GAA Super Games Centre – Background
Youth is defined as a person from 12 to 17 years by the GAA Player Pathway. Recent research and registration figures are indicating that there is a steady decline of GAA youth level players. The current culture of competition for this cohort must be adjusted and activity must be amended to support a much more developmental ethos. Having regard for the bio-psycho- social paradigm, youth player development can be described as a non-linear process. In keeping with this, games and Applied Lifelong Learning opportunities provided must be pre- planned and varied- which have regard for the following elements: (1) Developmental needs (2) levels of competitive ability (3) maturational readiness.

8 GAA ‘Play to Stay’ Programme Super Games Centre – Definition
Super Games Centres are centres where: A small-sided games format is provided for youth players aged years on an age related and developmental needs basis incorporating ALL (Applied Lifelong Learning). They can be based in Club, School or Community locations catering for a population not adequately served by regular school or club games through the traditional competitive structure. It is projected that that GAA Super Games Centre will have a positive influence on the motivations of GAA Youth Players to Play to Stay with the GAA through;

9 GAA ‘Play to Stay’ Programme Super Games Centre – Criteria
6 Week Period 60 mins per week Games-Based Approach (small-sided) Minimal Coaching Input Pre-Planned (What’s On?: Where it’s on?; When it’s on?) Super Games Centre Coordinator Facilitation of Applied Lifelong Learning for youth players Suitable facilities – Indoor and/or outdoor 12 Week Period Directed towards those outside of “traditional” GAA comp structures. Players Streamed Appropriately (e.g. 1st 2nd Years/12,13 Years; 3rd 4th Years/14,15; 5th 6th Years/16,17) After School/ Evening Activity ESSENT I AL DES I RABLE

10 Super Game Centre Ethos
The GAA vision is that everybody has the opportunity to be welcomed to take part in our games and culture, to participate fully, to grow and develop and to be inspired to keep a lifelong engagement with our Association.”

11 GAA SGC Coordinator Training Workshop
Super Games Centres – Play to Stay Values

12 A Review of the Evidence
Sport - A powerful Impact on Young people Declining Sport Participation from Childhood to Adolescence – A Major Public Health Issue Youth Sport Drop Out – Largely a Social Phenomenon Prioritise the Participant – Re Engineer the Sport Experience Group exercise (15 mins): Each group is presented with the a statement and asked a question in regard to each Impact - In what ways does sport impact on the lives of young people both as players and observers Health – How does a decline in sport participation effect the health profile of a youth population Social – What, do you believe, are the social factors influencing youth players intentions to participate in sport Experience – How would you change or adapt current practices in order to maximise participation opportunities for youth population?

13 A Review of the Evidence
Health Disengagement from organised sport is understood to be a major predictor of the growing obesity crisis in Europe Impact Proven to support healthy lifestyle patterns, positive emotions, a sense of belonging and life satisfaction Social Overall, correlates of youth sport drop out are social in nature (coach relationship, perceived competence). Supportive relationahips positively influence a player’s motivation to remain involved Experience Make the participant the highest priority by redesigning the sport environment through emphasizing value of effort, personal improvement and skill development SGC Report pg

14 GAA Play to Stay Values In line with this review of the current research, the below values were used in shaping and creating a non traditional experience within the SGC games environment. These Play to Stay values are as follows: Belonging Effort Enjoyment Empowerment Positive Feedback Respect

15 GAA Play to Stay Values (??)Audio Piece:
The integration of the GAA SGC values provides you, as the SGC Coordinator, the opportunity to build an environment that re focuses the objective of taking part in a youth games programme i.e. viewpoint of success in sport Participants are provided with the chance to participate in meaningful and varied games which are focussed on the development of a whole athlete and person.

16 Learnings from Research
How can the effect of the Super Games Centre be explained? Social support derived from the SGC experience reduced player intentions to drop out through increasing levels of social identity High levels of social support were found to decrease the negative experience of stress encountered leading to an intention to drop out (SGC Report pg 22) “Everyone’s equal… At the Super Games Centre. No one’s different from each other, Everyone is divided up equally among each other like to make sure that everyone has the best game as possible. Everyone has fun” SGC Player

17 GAA Super Games Centre Set up – Play to Stay Prompt
Play to Stay Value Prompt Card (Coaching Process) This Prompt Card will help you clarify the rule you are introducing and its affect. You can also use it to challenge or question the players on what they think. (SGC Manual (Pg 19 – pg 20)

18 GAA Super Games Centre 2016/2017

19 GAA Super Games Centre Thank you

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