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Template for IXPUG EMEA Ostrava, 2016

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1 Template for IXPUG EMEA Ostrava, 2016
(feel free to use your own presentation template) IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

2 Topics (not exclusively)
Real-world experiences: success stories and open issues with real-world workloads from all application areas including software-defined visualization and machine learning. Optimization techniques: General Vectorization: tough cases, systemic and strategic issues, language interfaces Data preconditioning Thread management, task dependencies Tools for code transformations Performance portability, open standard alternatives Experiences with programming and runtime models: hStreams Runtime optimization techniques Multi-device and multi-node scalability: OpenMP MPI, including experiences with MPI 3, non-blocking collectives Offload over fabric Preparing workloads for KNL: Optimization for MCDRAM On-deviceprocess & thread scalability IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

3 <presenter name> <presenter title> <affiliation>
IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

4 What’s unique about my tuning work
<App name, brief description> <Application domain – seeking diversity> <Execution mode: native, offloaded, symmetric MPI, cluster> <Tools used for development, analysis and debugging – seeking diversity of experiences and tools> <Alignment with vectorization effectiveness and/or memory tuning> IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

5 IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission
Performance <Compelling performance: with vs. without MIC> <Competitive performance, if available> <How much each of original host code and code with MIC was sped up (e.g. Xeon 1.3x, MIC 2.2x)> <List of optimizations that yielded perf improvements, how much each gave (order dependent), why I thought that’d help, and how generalizable I think such optimization is> IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

6 IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission
Insights <What we learned> <What we recommend and how we would have done it differently> <Which tools and optimizations were most useful and why? <Biggest surprises> <Key remaining challenges, where we might want help> <Questions we’d like to raise> <Who we’re thinking of collaborating with> IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

7 IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission
References / Codes <Where to get the code> <How to reproduce measurements – compile, run (links to external documents> IXPUG EMEA 2016 Ostrava Workshop Submission

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