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Published byFrances Stockley Modified over 10 years ago
U.S. General Services Administration Jill Thomas General Services Administration May 2012 How to Place an Order Against IT Schedule 70
Agenda Integrated Technology Services (ITS) IT Schedule 70 Overview, Benefits and Solutions Ordering Procedures Ordering Considerations Schedule 70 Resources Questions 2
Integrated Technology Services 3
ITS Mission, Vision, and Value Our Vision Great Government through Technology Our Mission To excel at providing customers easy access to IT solutions through quality industry partners to fulfill government mission requirements Our Value To reduce total acquisition time, cost, and risk, allowing our customers to focus on their mission 4
ITS Program Offices ITS IT Schedule 70 Fair and reasonable prices for IT products and services Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts Comprehensive and flexible contracts that provide virtually any IT service IT Commodity Program IT commodities and ancillary services through innovative ordering Center for Strategic Solutions and Security Services Good for Government Programs Network Services Programs Your one-stop shop for telecommunications solutions ITS Program Offices administer contract vehicles and deliver acquisition services to customer agencies to buy IT and telecommunications offerings and strategic solutions Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) provides complete acquisition lifecycle support to government agencies 5
ITS offers government customers access to IT products, services, and strategic solutions ITS Great Government through Technology Offerings Strategic Solutions Green ITCloud IT ServicesTelepresence Data Center ServicesTelecommunicationsCybersecurity ITS Offerings and Solutions Software Products and Services Professional Services Hardware Products and Services Communications and Network Services Security 6
IT Schedule 70 Overview, Benefits and Solutions 7
IT Schedule 70 Commitment to Our Customers Our Customers will have access to: A Streamlined Acquisition Process Example: eTools, training, templates, technical expertise Exceptional Customer Service Example: IT Schedule Helpline, Outreach, Training A Variety of Industry Partners Providing Best Value IT Products, Services and Solutions Example: Data Centers and Storage, Cloud IT Services, Wireless and Mobility 8
E-TOOLS to Streamline Your Acquisition: ToolDescriptionURL Search Tool Research Tool Ordering Tool Bus. Status Indicator Coop. Purch. Program Verifier GSA Advantage! ® Online Shopping Site http://www.gsaadvantage.govYES eLibrary GSA Online Contract Library http://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.govYES NOYES eBuy Online RFQ Tool 9
IT Schedule 70 – Who Are We? IT Schedule 70 grants agencies direct access to commercial experts who can thoroughly address the needs of the government IT community. IT Schedule 70 Offerings Software Licenses IT Equipment (Sales or Lease) IT Training Courses IT Professional Services E-Commerce Services Wireless Services Satellite Services Identity and Access Management Products and Services: Digital Certificates HSPD-12 Products and Services IT Schedule 70 Features Simplified ordering procedures Competitive pricing Abundant supply of small businesses Approximately 5000 industry partners of varying socioeconomic status Enhanced competition Available for state and local government use under certain authorities Ability to set-aside procurements for small businesses 10
Benefits of IT Schedule 70 11 TimeSavings Selection IT Schedule 70 CostSavings Built-inValue
Benefits of IT Schedule 70 The IT Schedule 70 offers… Cost Savings Time Savings Selection Built –In Value Competitive pricing with the ability to seek additional discounts off Schedule pricing Approximately 5000 pre-vetted local and global contractors, including small and disadvantaged businesses A suite of e-Tools to streamline processes, such as market research and competition Complementary trainings and assistance available The ability to set aside procurements for small businesses and to establish agreements, known as Blanket Purchase Agreements, for recurring needs 12
IT Schedule 70 Categories Software: 132 32Term Software Licenses 132 33Perpetual Software Licenses Hardware: 132 8 Purchase of Equipment 132 9Purchase of Used/Refurbished Equipment New SIN: 132 99 - Introduction of New Information Technology Services and/or Products 13
IT Schedule 70 Categories Cont. Services: 132 3 Leasing 132 4 Short Term Rental 132 12 Maintenance of Equip./Repair 132 34 Maintenance of Software as a Service 132 50 Training Courses 132 51 IT Professional Services 132 52 E-Commerce Services 132 53 Wireless Services 132 54 Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Transponded Capacity 132 55 Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Subscription Services 14 132 60A Electronic Credentials, Not Identity Proofed 132 60B Electronic Credentials, Identity Proofed 132 60C Digital Certificates, including ACES 132 60D E-authentication Hardware Tokens 132 60E Remote Identity & Access Managed Service Offering 132 60F Identity & Access Management Professional Services 132 61 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Service Provider (SSP) Prog. 132 62 HSPD-12 Product and Service Components 132 100 Ancillary Supplies and/or Services
Security Solutions Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-60C Digital Certificate 132-60D E-authentication Hardware Token Encryption Certificates Hardware Token Signature Certificates 132-61 Public Key Infrastructure 132-62 HSPD-12 Product and Service Component Smart Card Authentication Certificates Card Reader – Biometric Digital Signature Certificates Fingerprint Capture Station Shared Services Providers Card Printer Station Facial Image Capturing Camera 15
Network Products & Services Solutions Examples: (Not All Inclusive) 132-8 Purchase of Equipment Support Services 132-8 and 132-12 Web serversMaintenance Network servers Installation Cables Routers Gateways 132-51 IT Professional Services 132-50 Training Courses ConsultantsInstructor-Lead training for: Analysts Network Security Developers Tactical Network Management Technicians Wireless Networks Management Specialists 16
17 Ordering Procedures
Ordering Procedures: 8.405-1 Ordering procedures for Supplies and Services NOT requiring a Statement of Work (SOW) For orders at, or below, the micro-purchase threshold, place orders with any Federal Supply Schedule contractor that can meet the agencys needs For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold but not exceeding the simplified acquisition order threshold (SAT), survey or review pricelists of at least three schedule contractors through the GSA Advantage! on-line shopping service (or send RFQ to 3), OR follow procedures for limiting sources. For orders exceeding the simplified acquisition order threshold (SAT), each order shall be placed competitively and an RFQ provided (with description of supplies or services & basis of award). Either post the RFQ on e-Buy or provide the RFQ to as many contractors as practicable to reasonably ensure 3 quotes. Fairly consider all quotes. Seek price reductions. 18
Ordering Procedures: 8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a Statement of Work (SOW) For orders at, or below, the micro-purchase threshold, place orders with any Federal Supply Schedule contractor that can meet the agencys needs For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, but not exceeding the simplified acquisition order threshold (SAT), provide the RFQ (including the statement of work, evaluation criteria, and type of order) to at least three schedule contractors that offer services that will meet the agencys needs OR follow procedures for limiting sources For orders exceeding simplified acquisition order threshold (SAT), compete or follow procedures for limiting sources. Either post the RFQ on e- Buy (include SOW, evaluation criteria, type of order) or provide the RFQ to as many contractors as practicable to reasonably ensure 3 quotes. Fairly consider all quotes. Seek price reductions. 19
7 steps to ordering with an RFQ Step 1: Scope Determination & Acquisition Plan Establish Requirements & determine agency required clauses Determine if within S70 scope & best procurement approach Market Research - Review SIN/category under S70 & Price lists Estimate the Value of the Order Develop an Acquisition Plan (based on agency/dollar value/complexity) Step 2: Prepare brief description of Supply or Service (no SOW) OR Step 2: Prepare Statement of Work (SOW) Performance Based – FAR 37.6 preference Period of performance, Place of Performance, Technical Requirements, Standards/Acceptance Criteria, Deliverables, Special requirements 20 Agency Responsibility Determine Scope & Acq Plan Prepare SOW or Spec Prepare RFQ Issue RFQ EvaluateAwardAdminister
7 steps to ordering with an RFQ Step 3: Prepare the Request for Quote (RFQ) – include agency required supplemental clauses, order type, eval criteria & SOW OR basis of award & purchase description Step 4: Issue the RFQ – With GSAs eBuy application, users can easily post and send RFQs OR – Select a pool to reasonably ensure 3 quotes are received (not using e- Buy) Step 5: Evaluation of Submissions Step 6: Award Step 7: Order Administration 21 Agency Responsibility Determine Scope & Acq Plan Prepare SoW or Spec Prepare RFQ Issue RFQ EvaluateAwardAdminister
Remember Schedule Pricing: FAR 8.404 (d) Supplies are at a fixed price. Services offered on the schedule are priced either at hourly rates, or at a fixed price for performance of a specific task (e.g. installation, maintenance). GSA has already determined the prices of fixed-price services, and rates for services offered at hourly rates, under schedule contracts to be fair and reasonable. A price evaluation under FAR 8.405-2 (d) is required to consider level of effort and labor mix quoted to determine total price reasonable. Ordering activities may seek additional discounts anytime but shall seek them when over the SAT (see 8.405-4). 22
Acquisition Planning Market Research SOW or Purchase Description RFQ Development and Considerations Issuance of Request for Quotations (RFQ) Quotes Evaluation Evaluation Best Practices Award Decision File Documentation Order Contents Administer - Post-Award Requirements 23 Steps to Issuing an IT Schedule 70 Order
Acquisition Planning FAR 8.404 (c)(1) Acquisition planning--Orders placed under a Federal Supply Schedule contract- (1) Are not exempt from the development of acquisition plans (see Subpart 7.1), and an information technology acquisition strategy (see Part 39); (2) Must comply with all FAR requirements for a bundled contract when the order meets the definition of bundled contract (see 2.101(b)); (3) Must, whether placed by the requiring agency, or on behalf of the requiring agency, be consistent with the requiring agencys statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the acquisition of the services. 24
Acquisition Planning FAR 8.404 (b)(2) NEW: Best Procurement Approach Determination FAR 17.502-1, prior to placing a Schedule order with a value greater than $500,000, the requiring agency shall make a determination that use of GSA Schedule contracts constitutes the best procurement approach 25
Acquisition Considerations Non-schedule/Open Market Items: FAR 8.402(f) An ordering activity contracting officer may add non-schedule items only if: All applicable regulations – FAR and Agency supplements – have been followed: (e.g., publicizing (Part 5), competition requirements (Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (Part 19)). The items must be clearly labeled as Open Market (or non-schedule) items on the task order. Ordering Activity has determined price reasonableness for the open market items. All clauses applicable to items not on Schedule are included in the order. 26
Acquisition Considerations Consider whether Contractor Teaming Arrangements would be needed between schedule holders and add language to the RFQ A contractor can team or they can quote a solution using more than one schedule FAR 51 deviation with T&M/Labor Hour whether authorizing contractor to acquire ancillary support items from other schedule contracts 27
Scope, Market Research, Small Business Documented market research with suggested Schedule sources [FAR 10.001(a)] and Commerciality [FAR 12 commercial items only on schedule] Purchase request, funding and Government estimate of order price [FAR 4.803] GSA eLibrary SIN descriptions and GSA Advantage!® Schedule pricelists consulted [scope] Socio-economic goals -- Set asides considered at agency discretion 28
Prepare Description or Statement of Work Prepare Description if no SOW required or Prepare SOW Use Performance-based Statement of Work (SOW) to max extent possible per FAR 37.6 Per FAR 8.405-2 (b), SOWs shall include: A description of work to be performed location of work to be performance (place of performance) period of performance deliverables schedule Applicable performance standards & inspection/acceptance criteria Any special requirements (e.g. security clearances, travel, quals, GFP) A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) may be developed by the government or the contractor may be required to submit it. GSA has a 7 steps library as a resource for information. 29
RFQ Development Include any Options (e.g. a base year and 4 option years for services or optional line items) Include Agency provisions/clauses/requirements (e.g. DFARS, HSAR) Identify Type of order Should be FFP. Time and Materials/Labor Hours may be used with limitations (D&F, ceiling) Include SOW or purchase description Include Evaluation Criteria Include Submission instructions Include any Set-Aside/socioeconomic requirement 30
Issuance of RFQ Agency can issue RFQs via eBuy or Email FAR 5 is NOT applicable for synopsis (unless ARRA/Recovery Act funding Limited sources justification (above SAT post within 14 days of award) 31
Vendor Quotes Contractors submit either a firm fixed price or a ceiling price (labor- hour/Time & Material) quote. A ceiling price must be established for labor-hour and Time & Material orders. Price quotes must be based upon the IT Schedule 70 contract and identify the mix of labor categories and level of effort that form the price. Orders may be written to include travel costs in the firm fixed price or provide for reimbursement of travel costs at FTR or JTR rates. 32
Evaluation Considerations Examples of factors used with services are: Past Performance, Corporate Experience, key personnel qualifications or technical excellence /technical solution Examples of factors with supplies are in 8.405-1: Special features, Delivery terms, maintenance availability, trade-in considerations, probable life, warranty, past performance, etc. Price is always a factor: To what extent is the labor mix and level of effort proposed reasonable with the work required. Consider this in determining the total price fair and reasonable. MUST EVALUATE OFFER(s) AGAINST THE EVALUATION FACTORS STATED IN THE RFQ 33
Evaluation Best Practices Agencies can use "best value" criteria for the placement of orders. However, if a formal FAR Part 15 negotiation process or something akin to it is utilized, GAO may use FAR Part 15 as guidance in reviewing an agency's actions. ACS Government Solutions Group, Inc., B-282098.2, B-282098.3, June 2, 1999 The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has stated that FAR Part 15 does not apply to FSS orders. Computer Products, Inc., B-284702, May 24, 2000 The Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) Program is a streamlined process; do not use complex Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15 procedures for an MAS order. The United States Court of Claims has specifically held that FAR Part 15 is not applicable to MAS orders. Ellsworth Associates, Inc. v. United States, 45 Fed. Cl. 388 (1999) Discussions with contractors are not required when using FSS ordering procedures; can seek additional information regarding a request for quotations without triggering discussion rules Intelligent Decisions, Inc., B-274626.2 34
Evaluation Best Practices Cont. GAO sustained protests where the agency improperly failed to evaluate offers consistent with the instructions to Schedule contractors in the request for quote. ACS Government Solutions Group, Inc., B-282098, B-282098.2, June 2, 1999 There is no requirement to identify detailed evaluation criteria but, at a minimum, identify the basis on which the selection is to be made. Tell contractors what the plan is and adhere to it Evaluate in accordance with stated selection methodology and/or criteria– COMARK Federal Systems, B-278343.2, January 20, 1998, 98-1 CPD 34; Amdahl Corporation, B-281255, December 28, 1998 When an agency knows that its requirements can be met under either one of two different Schedules, it is not reasonable to issue an order to the sole vendor capable of performing under one Schedule without also reviewing the prices offered by several vendors capable of performing under the other Schedule REEP Inc., B-290665, September 17, 2002 35
More case law In the case of a conflict between a delivery order and the underlying FSS contract, the contract controls; avoid unnecessary contractual language in a request for quotations that may confuse or frustrate a contractor Intelligent Decisions, Inc., B-274626.2, December 23, 1996. Where an agency is making a purchase from the FSS program, it is not required to engage in "equal discussions" with FSS contractors; rather, it may solicit information from only one contractor without affording another FSS contractor a similar opportunity to clarify the terms of that contractor's FSS contract Intelligent Decisions, Inc., B-274626, B- 274626.2, December 23, 1996. When using a performance-based SOW, allow the contractors to propose the labor skill mix and associated hours; do not dictate the number of hours or labor skill mix Computer Products, Inc., B-284702, May 24, 2000. Reasonable to reject unacceptable quotes where required information is not provided for team member under planned contract teaming arrangement Kearny & Company, B- 298436.2, October 4, 2006. 36
Award Decision Examples No SOW: The Award decision includes the schedule contracts considered noting the contractor determined best value; evidence of compliance with 8.405-1 ordering procedures over SAT, and the basis for the award decision SOW: The Award decision includes the schedule contracts considered noting the contractor determined best value; evidence of compliance with 8.405-2 ordering procedures over SAT; the evaluation methodology and rationale for any trade-offs; and the price reasonableness determination required by paragraph 8.404(d). 37
File Documentation Acquisition Plan/Purchase Request /Funds RFQ/SOW or Description of Supplies Contractors solicited or considered Order/attachments/amount paid If other than a firm fixed price task order is awarded, a T&M/LH D&F EPLS/FAPIIS check Award decision Written Determination if < 3 quotes & eBuy not used Notice of Award under 8.405-2 38
Order Contents - FAR 8.406-1(d) Complete Shipping and Billing Addresses GSA contract number Agency order number F.o.b. delivery point; i.e., origin or destination Discount Terms Delivery or period of performance Special Item Number of National Stock Number A statement of work for services, when required, or a brief, complete description of each item (when ordering by model number, features and options such as color, finish, and electrical characteristics, if available, must be specified). Quantity and any variation in quantity. Number of Units 39
Order Contents Continued Unit Price Total Price of the order Points of Inspection/Acceptance Other pertinent data; e.g., delivery instructions or receiving hours and size-of-truck limitation Marking requirements Level of preservation, packaging, and packing Supplemental clauses (agency regulatory/statutory) Agencies can use OF347, any agency prescribed form, or an electronic communications format 40
Administer Order Schedule orders can be protested under FAR 33.1 procedures Inspection/Acceptance Apply remedies for non- performance T4C Termination for cause (see FAR 8.406-4 for notifying GSA). Resolve disputes (unless they pertain to the contract Ts and Cs) Register the order & Complete evaluations in agency system/PPIRS per FAR 42.15 Close out orders – use your agency procedures - no requirement to coordinate with GSA 41
Questions? 42
Schedule 70 Resources – Contact Info. IT Schedule 70 Helpline: (General Information) 877-446-4870 (M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST) 43
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