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Plants Module 13.

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1 Plants Module 13

2 Plants share common characteristics
Photosynthetic autotrophs (use the sun’s energy to make sugar/glucose) Multicellular (made of eukaryotic cells) Producers (are the base of the food web in ecosystems)

3 Plant Classification 2 major categories: Having or not having Specialized Tissues Non-vascular (no tubes / vessels) Vascular (tubes/vessels for transport)

4 Plant Classification Vascular plants are further divided Seedless
(use spores for reproduction) Ex. Fern Seeded (use seeds for reproduction) Ex. Sunflower

5 Plant Classification Seed plants are further divided Gymnosperms
(seeds in cones) Angiosperms (seeds in fruits that develop from flowers)

6 Complete the STERNGERR Plant Sticky Notes Foldable
NOTE: you will need 4 sticky notes for plant Reproduction: Asexual Reproduction Spores Seeds Flowers Make sure to complete the foldable as directed by your teacher.

7 STERNGRR Processes Synthesis: Photosynthesis used to make food
Protein synthesis Chloroplasts

8 STERNGRR Processes Transport: Non-vascular plants use osmosis
Vascular plants have xylem to transport water and phloem to transport food (in vascular bundle / vein) FOOD WATER

9 STERNGRR Processes Excretion:
Tiny openings in the leaf called stomata allow gas exchange; regulated by guard cells Wastes may be stored in leaves that fall off in autumn

10 STERNGRR Processes Respiration:
Use oxygen and sugar to produce ATP for energy

11 STERNGRR Processes Nutrition:
Sugar produced in photosynthesis is used for cellular respiration or stored for later use.

12 STERNGRR Processes Growth and Development:
Seeds germinate to start the process of development into a new plant

13 STERNGRR Processes Asexual Reproduction:
Occurs through the process of vegetative propagation

14 STERNGRR Processes Spores:
Produced by non-vascular and seedless vascular plants for reproduction

15 STERNGRR Processes Seeds: Found in cones in gymnosperms
Found in fruits that develop from flowers in angiosperms

16 STERNGRR Processes Flowers: Male parts Stamen - anther and filament
Female parts Pistil – stigma, style and ovary

17 STERNGRR Processes Flowers:
Pollination occurs when pollen (male) is transferred to the stigma (female) Fertilization occurs when a sperm (in pollen) meets egg (in ovary)

18 STERNGRR Processes Regulation
Hormones – regulate growth and control responses to stimuli (Ex. auxin, cytokinen, ethylene) Tropisms – growth responses to external stimuli

19 Plant Adaptations - Leaf
Cuticle Increased Surface area To get as much sunlight Carnivorous Protection

20 Plant Adaptations - Stem
Tuber: store energy Succulent: store as much water as they can. Fat leaves. Tendrils to attach to other plants and receive light. Runners: have enough space and receive enough light.

21 Plant Adaptations - Root
Taproot Fibrous Roots Root hairs

22 Explain all types of Plant Adaptations:
Why some plants have large leaves? Why some plants have leaves like needles? Why some plants have fat (Succulent) leaves? Why some plants have Tendrils and leaves? Why some plants have tubers and different types of roots? How do vascular and non vascular plants transport water?

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