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Determination of Absolute Zero using Vernier Equipment

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1 Determination of Absolute Zero using Vernier Equipment
CHEMISTRY 1105 Determination of Absolute Zero using Vernier Equipment

2 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS: Thermometer, Ruler and Capillary Tube
CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS: Thermometer, Ruler and Capillary Tube Thermometer is attached to the ruler with 2 elastics that are wrapped twice. Then insert capillary tube between the elastics. Align air column in tube at the base to ruler.

3 CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS: Setting up the Ring Stand and Water Bath. Build from the bottom upwards.

4 CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS: Inserting Thermometer and Ruler in the Water Bath and clamping. Note that the top of the Capillary Tube is at least 1 cm above the water line. The Ruler and Thermometer is also about 1cm above the Stir Bar to minimize interference.

5 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS & POWER: Power Button Power Button
CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero CONNECTIONS & POWER: Power Button Power Button Power Connection Power Connection

6 CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero Fill the beaker with tap water to about 80% and add about 5 ice cubes. Make sure that the stirrer does NOT touch the ruler and thermometer when it starts stirring. Turn on the Stirplate to give even stirring. Read the bottom of the red oil droplet in the capillary tube.

7 CHEMISTRY 1105 Pressure vs. Volume Tap on the Mode box to change the setting to Events with Entry. Name the Event Column Height and enter the units as mm.

8 CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero Tap on the X/Y Table Icon to enter your data. Tap on Column Height to adjust the recorded value to the correct number of significant figures. For Column Height it should read to one decimal place (eg +0.5mm). Tap on Temperature to adjust the recorded value to 2 decimal places. Tap on the Gauge Icon Once the temperature seems to be steady between 0 to 10oC and the ice cubes have melted, enter the accurately measured height (to +0.5mm) into the Column Height (mm) column. Now you can start the experiment by clicking on the Collect Button. Tap on the Keep Icon Enter the reading into the Column Height (mm) table. Record the temperature and height every 6 to 10 degrees. Turn the hotplate on to 3 and once the temperature reaches 30oC increase the heat to 5. Stop when the temperature reaches 80oC.

9 CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero You should have at least 12 different data points after completing the experiment. Press the Stop Button to stop collecting data. Tap on the X/Y Table Icon Record the data shown in the Run table into your lab notebook. Click on Graph Icon to view the data points on a grid. Make a rough sketch in your notebook of the graph.

10 Absolute Zero Shut down the Lab Quest 2.
CHEMISTRY 1105 Absolute Zero Shut down the Lab Quest 2. Turn the Power Off by pressing the Power button. Graph your data using Excel. Graph Column Height (mm) versus Temperature (oC). Determine the slope and y-intercept of the line and using the equation y=mx + b determine the value of absolute zero. Create a graph in Excel. Go to

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