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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution

2 Roots of the Revolution
Renaissance ( )- A “rebirth” of the arts and literature. Many people began to question the conclusions of thinkers from the Middle Ages. Age of Exploration ( )- A time when Europeans began exploring the world by sea. The discoveries of land and continents also disproved many ideas from the Middle Ages. Scientific Revolution ( )-These events led to the Scientific Revolution or a major shift in thinking where modern science emerged as a new way of gaining knowledge about the modern world.

3 Discoveries of the Revolution
#1 Heliocentric Theory Inventors Purpose Picture Impact on People Nicolaus Copernicus & Johannes Kepler A theory that placed the sun at the center of the solar system with the planets revolving around it. Disproved the geocentric theory or the religious belief that the Earth was the center of the universe.

4 Discoveries of the Revolution
#2 Telescope Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Galileo Galilei An instrument to view distant objects. Provided the people a tool to see other planets and realize that Earth was not at the center of the universe.

5 Discoveries of the Revolution
#3 Law of Gravity Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Isaac Newton Explained that there was a force of attraction between all masses in the universe. Provided an explanation to the people on why the planets orbited the sun.

6 Discoveries of the Revolution
#4 Scientific Method Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes A step-by-step method of investigation involving observation and theory to test assumptions. Provided the people with a method to solve problems instead of relying on traditional authorities.

7 Discoveries of the Revolution
#5 Microscope Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Antonie van Leeuwenhoek An instrument used to make very small objects visible. Provided the people with a tool to view small organisms such as bacteria.

8 Discoveries of the Revolution
#6 Barometer Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Evangelista Torricelli An instrument that measures changes in the pressure of the atmosphere. Provided the people with a tool to predict weather.

9 Discoveries of the Revolution
#7 Thermometer Inventor Purpose Picture Impact on People Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit An instrument to measure temperature. Provided the people a tool to measure temperature.

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