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Opener – Copy into Notebook pp. 84

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1 Opener – Copy into Notebook pp. 84
Complex – difficult, not simple Roger B. Taney – chief justice of the Supreme Court in

2 Objective: Describe how the Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) decision increased tensions between the North and South.

3 The Dred Scott Decision
Issue Effect Citizenship Residency Slavery

4 Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 Dred Scott
Slave Belonged to Dr. John Emerson Lived in St. Louis, MO Emerson took Scott to Wisconsin & Illinois. Returned to Missouri – Emerson died. 1846 – Scott sued for his freedom. What reason(s) do you think Dred Scott gave to support why he should be free?

5 Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 Rulings Key Issues:
Lower court ruled in Scott’s favor. Missouri Supreme Court overturned this ruling. 11 years later, the case reaches the U.S. Supreme Court. Most of the justices were from the South. Was Scott a citizen? Does his time on free soil make him free? Is it unconstitutional to limit slavery in the Louisiana Territory?

6 The Supreme Court's Ruling
Roger B. Taney Chief Justice Wrote the majority opinion. Came from a slaveholding family from Maryland.

7 The Supreme Court's Ruling
Citizenship Effect Nation’s founders believed that African Americans, “had no rights which a white man was bound to respect”. All African Americans, free or slave, were not citizens. If African Americans are NOT citizens, how does this affect the Dred Scott case?

8 The Supreme Court's Ruling
Residency Effect Scott returned to Missouri. “his status, as free or slave, depended on the laws of Missouri”. According to the Court’s ruling, is Scott to be considered free or a slave?

9 The Supreme Court's Ruling
Prohibiting Slavery Effects Declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. 5th Amendment – no one could be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” If the Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional and the 5th Amendment states that citizens can’t have their property taken away without “due process”, how does this affect slavery in federal territories?

10 Reactions to the decision
South North Most whites support. “covers every question regarding slavery and settles it in favor of the South.” Northerners are stunned. Republicans very upset. Platform argued Congress held the right to ban slavery. Feared slavery could NEVER be stopped in federal territory. Lincoln warned it may prohibit states from banning slavery.

11 Video Clip After the video clip, you will need to describe how some northerners and many Republicans reacted to the Dred Scott decision.


13 2-minutes How did some Northerners and many Republicans react to the Dred Scott decision?

14 Closure Quiz Explain how the Dred Scott decision added to tension between the North and the South.

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