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Intro screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro screen

2 Host screen

3 General Characteristics Unique Characteristcs
Annelida Mollusca General Characteristics Unique Characteristcs Misc. $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Jeopardy round

4 Final Jeopardy Common Traits Final Jeopardy betting screen

5 How are annelids & molluscs similar?
Final Jeopardy 3 germ layers Bilateral symmetry Coelom Complete digestive system Nephridia Sexual reproduction Final Jeopardy How are annelids & molluscs similar?

6 Class that contains the earthworms
$200 Oligochaeta Class that contains the earthworms Single Jeopardy – Category 1

7 Location of Nerve Cord $400 Ventral surface
Single Jeopardy – Category 1

8 Type of circulatory system
$600 Closed with heart & blood vessels - Flows posteriorly via ventral blood vessel & returns to the anterior end via dorsal blood vessel Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Type of circulatory system

9 Type of sexual reproduction
$800 Hermaphroditic & internal Separate sexes & external Type of sexual reproduction Single Jeopardy – Category 1

10 $1000 Path of food through the earthworm
Mouth  pharynx  esophagus  crop  gizzard  intestines  anus Path of food through the earthworm Single Jeopardy – Category 1

11 $200 “soft-bodied” Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Meaning of Mollusca

12 Feeding method of bivalves
$400 Filter feeders Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Feeding method of bivalves

13 4 body parts & functions $600 Foot – sensory organs & muscles
Mantle – secretes shell Visceral mass – internal organ systems Shell – support & structure Single Jeopardy – Category 2 4 body parts & functions

14 Nervous system of a Gastropod
$800 Nerve ring & nerve cords Nervous system of a Gastropod Single Jeopardy – Category 2

15 Circulation of the 3 main classes of Mollusca
$1000 Cephalopoda – closed with heart(s) & blood vessels Bivalvia & Gastropoda – open with heart, vessels & sinuses Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Circulation of the 3 main classes of Mollusca

16 $200 Coelom Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Body Cavity

17 Respiration in aquatic species
$400 Gills Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Respiration in aquatic species

18 Structure in earthworms that sucks soil through mouth to gut
$600 pharynx Structure in earthworms that sucks soil through mouth to gut Single Jeopardy – Category 3

19 $800 Nephridia Excretory structure Single Jeopardy – Category 3

20 Larva that annelids & molluscs have in common
$1000 trochophore Larva that annelids & molluscs have in common Single Jeopardy – Category 3

21 Walls separating segments in an annelid
$200 Septa Walls separating segments in an annelid Single Jeopardy – Category 4

22 Grinds food in an annelid
$400 Gizzard Single Jeopardy – Category 4 Grinds food in an annelid

23 Secreted by annelids to keep animal moist
$600 Cuticle Single Jeopardy – Category 4 Secreted by annelids to keep animal moist

24 Feeding organ of Mollusca & its function
$800 Radula for scraping or drilling Single Jeopardy – Category 4 Feeding organ of Mollusca & its function

25 Secretes a mucus ring in earthworm reproduction
$1000 clitellum Secretes a mucus ring in earthworm reproduction Single Jeopardy – Category 4

26 Used to create jet propulsion in cephalopods
$200 Siphon Used to create jet propulsion in cephalopods Single Jeopardy – Category 5

27 Example of an animal from C. Polyplacophora
$400 chiton Example of an animal from C. Polyplacophora Single Jeopardy – Category 5

28 Example of all three Mollusca classes
$600 Bivalvia – clams, oysters, mussels, scallops Gastropoda – snail, slugs Cephalopoda – squids, cuttlefish, octopus Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Example of all three Mollusca classes

29 How some molluscs avoid predators
$800 Ink clouds Jet propulsion Burrowing Camouflage Single Jeopardy – Category 5 How some molluscs avoid predators

30 Give a medical use of an annelid & a mollusc
$1000 Annelids – leeches to clean wounds, help re-attachments & burns mend Molluscs – study snails which don’t get cancer Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Give a medical use of an annelid & a mollusc

31 The Jeopardy Champion! Goodbye screen

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