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Engineering Design Process

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1 Engineering Design Process
Add the new notes to your table of contents, and then turn to the next clean page and set up your title and date

2 What is Engineering? “What is Engineering”:
Engineering deals with designing and building solutions to problems. Engineering is essential to improving structures, machines, electronic devices, materials and systems important to society. Scientists who use engineering to solve problems are called engineers. Engineering is different from conducting an experiment. The purpose of engineering is to solve a problem. The purpose of conducting an experiment is to answer a testable question.

3 . Engineers, scientists and inventors follow the engineering design process, when they create a solution to a problem.

4 Step 1: Ask Ask a question about the goal. What is our goal?
What are we trying to do?

5 Step 2: IMAGINE Imagine a possible solution.
 Brainstorm ideas! What are the logistics? Possibilities? Any constraints or limitations? Budget? If a scientist or an engineer knows the design task’s criteria and constraints there is more chance that the design solution will be successful. No idea is too silly

6 Imagine if a scientist was engineering a hover board
Imagine if a scientist was engineering a hover board. If they were unaware of the design criteria and constraints, they might make it out of the wrong materials; making it too expensive. Or they might not give it enough power, meaning it will not be able to lift the rider. CRITERIA Must lift someone that is over 200lb Must cost less than $300 to produce Must be made from light weight materials; plastic, wood, aluminum This hover board does not even hover!

7 Step 3: Plan Once you have come up with multiple ways to solve the problem, choose the best solution. The best solution has the greatest chance of solving the problem Consider the cost, benefits, risks, and feasibility when choosing the best solution Draw a preliminary plan of what it will look like board thrust

8 Step 4: Create and Construct
Follow your designs and drawing to create a prototype, or first model Models do not have to be to scale, they might be a smaller version of the proposed solution Once you have built the model, you can test it to see if it works Add prototype to your index of key terms

9 Step 5: Experiment and test
BIOLOGYGUY © Step 5: Experiment and test It is important that the engineer tests their model. They must then modify it based on the test results. OK, Prototype #2 has the desired thrust TEST #1 TEST #2 Prototype #1 Prototype #2

10 Step 6: Improve It is still missing something
BIOLOGYGUY © Step 6: Improve It is still missing something After testing your prototype, you should try to improve it so it better solves the problem or is more practical. Ask yourself: Does it meet the design criteria and design constraints? If you are unsure, you need to see how you can improve your model. Steps 1-4 may need to be repeated to improve your model. Don’t be afraid to start from scratch! It’s ok to start over again!! I think I am going to start over!

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