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Can Sorting Theory Contribute to Visual Analytics Theory?

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Presentation on theme: "Can Sorting Theory Contribute to Visual Analytics Theory?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Sorting Theory Contribute to Visual Analytics Theory?
Robert S. Laramee Visual and Interactive Computing Group Department of Computer Science Swansea University 1

2 Challenges of Sport Video Data

3 Glyph Sorting Results and Demo
2 matches Gain (Y) vs Event (X) Plotted Events are: Kick Reception, Restart Reception, Lineout, Turnover, Scrum, Penalty Purple highlights indicate points scored 3

4 Sorting Theory Can theory from sorting contribute to visual analytics theory? Sorting Theory: Comparison-based sorts have a lower bound of O(n log n) time (Cormen et al, 2009) Only for single attribute Hypothesis: Sorting time can be decreased visual analytics A visual analytics interface could be used to provide additional knowledge from the user or domain expert. For example, user-filtering could reduce n by a constant, k. 4

5 Acknowledgements Thank you for your attention! Any questions?
We thank the following: David H..S. Chung, Rhodri Bown, Min Chen, Iwan W. Griffiths, Phillip A. Legg, Adrian Morris, Matthew L. Parry, The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) For more information, please see: David Chung, Phillip Legg, Matthew Parry, Iwan Griffiths, Rhodri Bown, Robert S Laramee, and Min Chen, Knowledge-Assisted Ranking: A Visual Analytic Application for Sport Event Data, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (IEEE CG&A), forthcoming 5

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