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Our CICS Systems Company name CICS TS - Introduction Graphic

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1 Our CICS Systems Company name CICS TS - Introduction Graphic
CICS TS and Transaction Processing Concepts 1 hour CICS Structure and Intercommunication 1 hour PowerPoint Our CICS Applications and Data CICS Data Sets 1 hour Introduction to CICS Explorer 1 hour Manipulating CICS Explorer Data Graphic Insert your organization’s name in the above slide. Audio You need to cover the following: Welcome to “Our CICS Systems.” My name is _____. I work in the ___ department and have worked as a _____________ in our organization for ___ years (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.). This second presentation follows on from the second and final group of three modules of the Datatrain “CICS TS Introduction” course. We will expand on some of the information in these modules, and relate it to our site. If you have any questions about the course, or this presentation, send it to _______ so that it can be covered in the Webinar discussion at the end of this learning pathway. Our CICS Systems 1 hour PowerPoint Our CICS Systems Company name Webinar Understanding CICS and Your Role Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence = Datatrain Course Modules

2 Our CICS Regions CICSPx CICSRx CICSQx CICSDx CEC1 CEC2 (Production)
SYSA (z/OS Production) CICSPx (Production) SYSB (z/OS Production) CICSRx (Production) SYSD (z/OS QA) CICSQx (Quality Assurance) SYSX (z/OS Development) CICSDx (Development) Graphic Update the picture with a diagram of your CICS systems. This graphic shows how many CICS systems, and on which z/OS they reside. This is the same as a similar slide in the previous PowerPoint presentation. Audio Introduce your CICS setup information. Include brief descriptions of: What they are. If they share resources, and why. Which z/OS system they run on. Example: We have several production CICS systems on our two production z/OS systems. The names of these regions start with CICSP on SYSA, and CICSR on SYSB. These systems do a lot of sharing of workloads and data. They are on different physical mainframe processors, so if we have a problem with one, the other can still process CICS workloads. CICSQx are our Quality Assurance systems on SYSD. Our QA team constantly run a simulated production workload on these systems to test any application changes from the application teams. Any change will run on these QA systems for one month before it can be migrated to the production systems. Finally, CICSDx on SYSX are the CICS systems used by application development to develop fixes and new functions for our applications. CEC1 CEC2 © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

3 Our Production CICS Environment
CICSPT1 (TOR) CICSRT1 (TOR) CICSPA1 (AOR – Sales & Stock) CICSRA1 (AOR – Sales & Stock) CICSPlex CICPLX1 CICSPA2 (AOR – Customer & Accounts) CICSRA2 (AOR – Customer & Accounts) CICSPF1 (FOR) CICSRF1 (FOR) Graphic Update the picture with a diagram of your production CICS systems. This graphic shows how AOR, TOR and FOR regions relate to each other. Audio Introduce your production CICS setup information. Example: We have divided our production CICS regions into Terminal Owning Regions (or TORs), Application Owning Region (or AORs), and File Owning Regions (or FORs). We originally did this to separate applications, allow multiple CICS regions to access each VSAM dataset, and to be able to use more than one processor on multi-processor mainframes. Our FORs looks after all the CICS VSAM data. Today, FORs aren’t as important as they used to be, and we’re looking at removing them and using VSAM Local Shared Resources (LSR) to allow for VSAM dataset sharing. Our TORs look after all network access to our applications, including our fledgling web service applications. We’ll talk more about those shorty. We’ve divided our applications into two pairs of AOR region: Sales and Stock on CICSPAI and CICSRAI, and Customer and Accounts on CICSPA2 and CICSRA2. Both SYSA and SYSB have one of each type of region. These regions are the same on each z/OS system. Our production CICS regions share workloads. They are all inter-connected – using Cross Memory Services and CICS MRO if on the same z/OS system, or TCP/IP Interconnectivity (IPIC) if on a different z/OS system. All belong to the same CICSplex: CICPLX1. Our development CICS systems are not divided. TOR, FOR and AOR are all performed in the one region. SYSA SYSB IPIC Connections © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

4 CICS Applications CICSxAy Languages: COBOL (95%) Assembler (2%) C (1%)
Java (1%) Statistics: 450 Programs 10000 Lines of Code Called 150,000 times every day. CICSxAy (AOR) Graphic Update the graphic with a diagram and statistics of your CICS applications. Audio Explain the programming languages and statistics of your CICS applications. Example: Almost all of our CICS application programs are written in COBOL. We do also have a couple of legacy routines written in Assembler. We are starting to write new applications in C and Java. For example We are in the early stages with these languages. We have over 450 CICS application programs, comprising of over 100,000 lines of code. These applications are called over 150,000 times every day. © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

5 CICS Application Communications
Websphere MQ Bank Transfer CICSxAy (AOR) Payroll TCP/IP External Mail Server Graphic Update the graphic with a diagram of any communications that your CICS applications do. For example, do they use CICS sockets, Websphere MQ or APPC to communicate with other, external applications? Audio Explain your CICS application communications. Example: Our CICS applications don’t run in a vacuum. They communicate with applications on other systems. For example, they use Websphere MQ to communicate with our Bank Transfer and Payroll systems running on UNIX boxes. This use of Websphere MQ may increase in the next year or two as other external applications look to take advantage of our CICS applications. Our Customer application also uses TCP/IP directly to communicate with our central mail server when automatically sending s to our customers. z/OS © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

6 Database Access by CICS Applications
CICSxA1 (AOR – Sales & Stock) CICSxA2 (AOR – Customer & Accounts) DB2 DBA1 / DBB1 IMS DBCTL IMSA / IMSB CICSxF1 (FOR) Graphic Update the graphic with a diagram of your CICS application access to database environment. Audio Explain the databases accessed by your CICS applications. Example: All of our CICS applications use our core data stored in DB2 tables on both DBA1 and DBB1 – our DB2 data sharing environment. All applications also use CICS VSAM datasets at some point via our FOR regions CICSPF1 on SYSA and CICSSRF1 on SYSB. Applications using our Customer data must access our IMS databases. The IMS DBCTL regions IMSA on SYSA and IMSB on SYSB manage those databases. © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

7 Access to CICS Applications
z/OS CICSxA1 (AOR) Batch 3270 CICS Transaction Gateway Websphere MQ Graphic Update the graphic with a diagram of how your CICS applications and transactions are executed. Audio Explain how your CICS applications are executed. Example: Most of our CICS online applications are executed from 3270 terminal emulators. You will still see the 3270 green-screen on many computers around the company. Our sales registers also use 3270 terminal access. Although you won’t see the green screens here, they still pretend to be 3270 terminals to CICS. We also have some DB2 stored procedures that execute CICS transactions through CICS EXCI. EXCI is also used by some overnight batch to execute CICS transactions. We also are starting to see some Java applications calling CICS transactions through CICS Transaction Gateway. Finally, our Payroll systems running on Linux also use the Websphere MQ CICS bridge to execute CICS transactions. © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd

8 Summary Our CICS Regions Our Production CICS Environment
CICS TS - Introduction CICS TS and Transaction Processing Concepts Summary 1 hour CICS Structure and Intercommunication Our CICS Regions Our Production CICS Environment CICS Data Access CICS Applications CICS Application Access 1 hour PowerPoint Our CICS Applications and Data CICS Data Sets 1 hour Introduction to CICS Explorer 1 hour Manipulating CICS Explorer Data Graphic Update this summary with the major points in this presentation. Audio Example: This presentation has covered our CICS systems: what they look like, where they run, who uses the CICS VSAM datasets, and what the CICS applications do. From here, you will conclude with the Webinar “Understanding CICS and Your Role.” Thank you for attending. 1 hour PowerPoint Our CICS Systems Webinar Understanding CICS and Your Role © Copyright. All rights reserved. Interskill Pty Ltd = Datatrain Course Modules

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