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Activator 11/10 Pick up the capture sheet from the front

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1 Activator 11/10 Pick up the capture sheet from the front
Activator: When you hear the term “hero,” who’s the first person that comes to mind? What are some typical characteristics of a hero? Name both a real-life and a fictional hero.

2 Homer’s The Odyssey

3 Homer composed The Odyssey around 850 B.C.
It is one of a small collection of literary works called epics. Other epics include: The Iliad, Beowulf, Gilgamesh, and Klein the Destroyer

4 The Epic A long narrative poem on a great and serious subject, related in an elevated style, and centered on a heroic or somewhat divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race.

5 Epic Conventions- rules that epics follow
In Media Res- An epic begins in the middle of the action to grab our attention

6 Episodes- The whole epic is told in separate stories or episodes.
The Odyssey has 24.

7 Two-Part Division- Typical epics are divided into two parts.
In The Odyssey, books set the stage for the story beginning with a prophecy, and books follow the fulfillment of that prophecy.

8 Journey for Self-discovery
In an epic, the hero must go through a journey to discover something about himself or his surroundings.

9 Deus ex Machina (divine machinery)
The Gods are traditionally present and active in the epic, both helping and hindering.

10 Invocation and statement of purpose
The poet opens the poem by declaring the purpose of the poem and calling on the appropriate guiding spirit to help them.

11 Use of history- All epics deal with the past. Time has added to the glory of these people of the past, magnifying their experiences.

12 Elevated speech- Epics use formal and flowery language, often with archaic terms.

13 Extended Simile- Also called Homeric similes or epic similes.
States the comparison in great detail.

14 Story of Success The hero triumphs in the end. Order is wrestled out of chaos.

15 Epithet- A short adjective phrase is used with a name, such as
“grey-eyed Athena” or “Lion-hearted Odysseus”

16 Cataloguing- Epics frequently include extensive lists of ships, warriors or gifts.

17 Epic hero- An epic hero must be of noble birth, brave, strong, and clever but has trouble with excessive pride. Endures hardships that would destroy an ordinary man but always wins. Central figure of the story.

18 Hubris Excessive or fatal pride
Usually a flaw of the epic hero, hindering him from achieving his goals.

19 Major Thematic Elements
Hospitality Respect for the Gods Importance of lineage Loyalty Pride and honor Resisting temptation Living life to the fullest Self- discipline Justice Revenge Fate

20 Free-write on a separate sheet of paper…
If you were an epic hero, what epithet would be used with your name? What would your ultimate goal be (vengeance, riches, romance, etc.)? Be specific. How would your excessive pride be your downfall?

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