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Personal Narrative Rubric

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1 Personal Narrative Rubric

2 Title (5 pts) 5/5= Title is unexpectedly delightful and fully grabs reader’s attention. 4/5=Title is flat or predictable 3/5= Title is just a label (“My Personal Narrative”) 0/5= No Title

3 Length (5 pts) 500-1,000 words (5 pts) 400 words (4 pts)
Less than 100 words (0 pts)

4 First Person Point of View (5 pts)
Personal narrative is in first person (5 pts) Most of personal narrative is in first person (3 pts) Not in first person perspective (0 pts)

5 Dialogue Dialogue is used (5 pts) Dialogue is not used (0 pts)

6 Correct Dialogue Dialogue is artfully used as a means to build characterization and advance the story (5 pts) Dialogue is used incorrectly and doesn’t advance the story (0 pts)

7 Sound Descriptions Used sensory details to describe sounds in the story (5 pts) Did not use sensory details to describe sounds in the story (0 pts)

8 Visual Descriptions Used a variety of sensory details to describe visuals in the story (10 pts) Used few sensory details to describe visuals in the story (5 pts) Used no sensory details to describe visuals in the story (0 pts)

9 Smell/Taste Sensory Details
Used sensory details to describe smell and/or taste in the narrative (5 pts) Used no sensory details to describe smell and/or taste in the narrative (0 pts)

10 Metaphor/Simile Used a metaphor and/or simile in the personal narrative (5 pts) Attempted to use a metaphor and/or simile incorrectly (2 pts) Did not use a metaphor and/or simile in the personal narrative (0 pts)

11 One Brief Incident Narrative is focused on a single incident in a limited time frame (10 pts) Narrative is focused on several incidents over an expanded time frame (0 pts)

12 Lesson Learned Personal narrative includes a lesson learned/message in the resolution (10 pts) Lesson learned seems like an afterthought (5 pts) Personal narrative does not include a lesson learned/message in the resolution. (0 pts)

13 Clear Structure Organization of the story is masterfully built, providing clear structure (10 pts) Evidence of organization exists, but reader was confused and/or specific sections seemed rushed/underdeveloped (5 pts) Organization is confusing or illogical; your reader needed more help in following the narrative line (2 pts) I have no clue what is going on here (0 pts)

14 Vocabulary Powerful vocabulary with no repetition; always fresh and interesting (10 pts) Good vocabulary that clearly, but not always powerfully, tells the story (8 pts) Average, simple vocabulary or overly flowery language that blocks meaning at times (6 pts) Flat, below grade-level vocabulary and/or inappropriate diction (2 pts) You are making up words (0 pts)

15 Sentence Flow Excellent sentence flow and variety of sentence structures (10 pts) Smooth sentence flow and occasionally effect sentence variety (9 pts) Sentence flow is choppy at times; limited sentence variety (5 pts) Flow is mostly choppy and erratic; little or no sentence variety (2 pts) I have no idea what is going on (0 pts)

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