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Estimation of Loadings for Nonpoint Sources and Stormwater

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1 Estimation of Loadings for Nonpoint Sources and Stormwater
Jian Shen Virginia Institute of Marine Science

2 Outline Example of the Baltimore Harbor TMDL
Proposed methods for the James River

3 Baltimore Harbor PCB TMDL
PCB sources Nonpoint sources Stormwater Point sources

4 Approach for Loading Estimation
Based on Watershed modeling Difficult to estimate loading (pollutant sources, background load) Need data for model variation Based on observations Nonpoint sources Use statistics method (regression) Need more data (wet, dry, mean flow condition) Stormwater Use event mean concentration method Use statistics method and landuse partition (urban vs. nonurban) Point sources Measurement Water quality endpoint

5 Statistical Approach (Baltimore Example)
Loading = Concentration x Flow

6 Loading Results B425

7 Non-point Source Loadings

8 Landuse Distribution of Baltimore Harbor Watershed

9 James River Landuse Distribution

10 Stormwater Loading Regression results are used as baseline loading for the drainage basin If there are identified contaminated sites, the loadings from the contaminated sites will be estimated and subtracted from the baseline loading Estimate stormwater loading based on imperviousness of land The areas regulated by the NPDES stormwater permits are represented by the urban land use associated with residential, commercial, open urban, industrial, and institutional land use classifications The NPDES regulated Stormwater tPCB baseline load was estimated by multiplying the percentage of urban land use area of each impaired region by the total watershed baseline load. Stormwater loading = % area of impervious landuse x Baseline loading

11 Point Source Loading Industrial Facility Wastewater Treatment
Facility Name NPDES # Outfall Average Flow (MGD) Outfall Average Concentration (ng/L) PCB Loading (g/day) Constellation Power – Fort Smallwood Complex MD 255.50 0.389 0.376 ISG Sparrows Point LLC MD 31.04 1.008 0.118 Wastewater Treatment Facility NPDES County Concentration (ng/L) Design Flow (MGD) Measured Load (g/day) Cox Creek WWTP MD Anne Arundel 2.152 15 10.81 0.09 Patapsco MD Baltimore 4.182 73 57.92 0.92 Water column endpoint of tPCB concentration is used to compute TMDL loading Endpoint (derived from fish tissue) = 0.27 ng/L

12 PCB Budget Air flux is ng/m2/day, which agrees with the result of 350 ng/m2/day estimated from the observations (Bamford et al., 2002) If assuming mean dissolved t-PCBs concentration is 0.5 ng/L and the air-water exchange is the only loss process for t-PCBs, the residence time of dissolved t-PCBs is ~ 9.5 days, which agrees with results of Bamford et al. (2002). If assuming mean t-PCBs concentration is 3.96 ng/L, the residence time for t-PCBs is about 75 days (residence time is ~ days),

13 Proposed Method for James River
Event mean concentration method Take as many sample as possible in one storm event and composite samples to measure mean concentration Prefer two or more event measurements Regression method (statistical method) Take monthly or bimonthly samples Preferred approach but lacking time and resources to utilize Other methods ?

14 Event Mean Concentration
It needs to measure both PCB concentration and flow It is difficult to catch peak flow It varies with respect to storm intensity and duration and two or more events will be ideal The advantage is that it can be used for similar landuse to obtain loadings concentration time Flow time

15 Calculate Loading Event Mean Concentration (EMC) concentration
ML = EMCL*RL*K   Where: ML = loading factor for land use L (lbs/ac/year) EMCL= event mean concentration of runoff from land use L (mg/l); EMCL varies by land uses RL= total average annual surface runoff from land use L (in/year) K= a unit conversion constant (0.2266). composite samples to obtain mean concentration

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