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Mastering Facts Ottowa Creek (Rocket Math)

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1 Mastering Facts Ottowa Creek (Rocket Math)
Math Strategies Mastering Facts Ottowa Creek (Rocket Math)

2 Ticket In Read the actual dialogue of a 4th grade teacher at PEC from As you read, think about what math concept the teacher would like to work on with her class. Student 1- “Let’s take a look at this.” “Honestly, it was the first fact that got you messed up.” Student 2 “Getting those facts down. Even if you don’t know your 7s you know your 3s. Memorize those 7s. Overall you did a great job.” Student 3– “You are so close on these problems.” “Just the simple mistake of multiplying by zero catch you.” Student 4- “You are so close. You just a place value or two off.” “Count on your fingers if you have to add on correctly.” Student 5- “You said 8x6 is 58. It should be 48. Memorize that fact. The rest of your work is fine.” Student 6- “Hey girl, you are only one digit off here. So let’s take a look at here. 9x6 is 54 perfect…9x9 is 80.. Knowing those facts. Just know them.” Teacher showed 9’s trick (one less and then add to 9) Student 7- “You were only one digit off on your thousands place value.” Student 8- “I love the strategy of counting on but don’t start counting on if you are not sure what the first fact is. Do the old fashioned groups. It is always better to see you are right.”

3 Ticket In

4 Preview of Lesson Ticket In Objective Identifying Need for Mastering Facts *look at 4th grade data from 2016 school year and how it . connects to AzMERIT data from last year Develop Learning *create goals for Rocket Math *video- key component of mastering facts Apply Learning *partner practice rocket math *video- implementation or partner practice/1 min. timing Evaluate *TOD

5 Objective By the end of the Cluster Meeting, teachers will apply knowledge of rocket math to enhance student multiplication fluency. (Connection to TAP rubric- TCK- regularly implement a variety of subject specific instructional strategies)

6 Identify Need for Mastering Facts
*Focus on need to change how we taught facts from last year. Just like in team planning, we need to up the rigor. This quarter finish strong with multiplication facts and by January work on Division Rocket Math

7 Developing Learning Creating Goals
Have teachers use less dominant hand to write numbers. Purpose-do not want to punish kids for slow handwriting…therefore we are using handwriting goals as well.

8 Developing Learning What is the key component to mastering math facts?
* Practice at the level they are at

9 Apply Learning- 1 minute Timing
*Get kids verbally talking about math facts! 1 teacher/1 student Kagan Structure of Inside/Outside Circle is perfect way to practice facts *Take 1 minute timing test and record results * Practice at the level they are at

10 Apply Learning- 2 minute Timing

11 Apply Learning -additional video of Rocket Math implementation

12 TOD-Connect, Extend, Challenge
Consider what you have just read, seen, or heard, then ask yourself: • How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew? • What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions? • What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?

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