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Current Event September 15, 2016

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1 Current Event September 15, 2016
Driverless car is a paradigm shift (Revolutionary change) in the way we travel (possibly as early as now). What consequences might this idea lead to for us. (positive and negative)

2 Enlightenment

3 Essay Prompt Investigate how the ideas of Enlightenment Philosophers influenced the American and the French Revolution. Due date September 30, 2016

4 Assignment 1- The Hook-The Philosophes page 11
Understanding Ideas leading to Paradigm-shifting ideas. Example today’s current event-driverless car –Uber’s venture. Ten Ideas/Inventions of yours (page 10)

5 Examples 1. The idea of peanut butter and jelly together.
2. The idea of putting french fires in a burrito. 3. The idea of selling popcorn during movies. 4. The idea of freedom. 5. The idea of people being able to choose their religion. 6. The idea to make big screen televisions. 7. The idea of being able to communicate with people around the world. 8. The idea of getting an education of schools. 9. The invention of the automobile. 10. The invention of the driverless car

6 Page 11 The Hook Exercise Task one: With your partner, consider each idea (four) and explain why it should be called a paradigm-shifting (revolutionary) idea. In each case, ask yourself, “So What? What are the consequences of the new idea? Paradigm shift- Positive consequence- Negative consequence- Homework Do this on page 10 Task 2: Is there a new idea that is a candidate for causing a paragim shift now or in the future? ( driverless car, virtual school, no cubicle offices, live in Mars?n

7 Current Event 2016 Why is there resistance in our country to take refugees from war torn zones such as Syria and Sudan? Does our law permit to take in refugees?

8 Timeline- Highlight Paradigm shift Page 15
On page 14, recreate the timeline as suggested below Date Person Paradigm shift Consequence 1633 Galileo Sun is the center of the universe Condemned by the Church 1690 John Locke 1733 Voltaire 1792 Mary Wolstencraft

9 Assignment 2 Background
Read page 13 Answer the questions that are on page 15

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