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ENJOY Good Day! Employment Basics This is your 30-Second

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1 ENJOY Good Day! Employment Basics This is your 30-Second
Business Training: Employment Basics ENJOY Click here to begin 1

2 What tax incentives are available for employers who hire people with disabilities?
Tax incentives? There are no tax benefits for employing people with disabilities. B. Under the ADA, businesses can utilize the Disabled Access Credit and Barrier Removal Deduction. C. Private sector employers who hire people with disabilities may be eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). D. Both B & C.

3 That’s not right… Good news! Businesses can
utilize several tax incentives available to help cover costs associated with making access improvements for employees and customers with disabilities. Try again!

4 True, but there is more… Yes. Businesses can take advantage of
two Federal tax incentives available to help cover costs of making access improvements for customers and employees with disabilities: Disabled Access Credit for small businesses Barrier Removal Deduction for all businesses For more information about ADA related tax incentives, visit the DOJ’s Tax Incentives for Business. Please try again.

5 True… Private-sector businesses that hire certain individuals with disabilities may be eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). This tax credit can provide employers with a credit between $1,200 and $9,600 per employee, depending on the target group of the new employee and the number of hours worked in the first year. Targeted groups can include vocational rehabilitation, Ticket to Work customers and Veterans. For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's site, by clicking here. But that’s not all! Try again!

6 CORRECT! Employers can utilize three key tax incentives when
employing workers with disabilities. These include: Disabled Access Credit Barrier Removal Deduction Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) For more detailed information, the Job Accommodation Network has information about these, and other Tax Incentives, click here to learn more. This 30-Second Training has been developed using Federal funds from the Department of Labor under Contract No.: DOLJ131A The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations

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