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Senior English 11/28/16 In what situations do you find it difficult to make yourself understood? Why? What kind of ant is good at math? Podsnappery –

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 11/28/16 In what situations do you find it difficult to make yourself understood? Why? What kind of ant is good at math? Podsnappery –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 11/28/16 In what situations do you find it difficult to make yourself understood? Why? What kind of ant is good at math? Podsnappery – self-satisfied crude behavior. Goals – Introduction to Poetry Out Loud and Why you might want to do it. Go to the lab and select poems. Homework – Print two poems and analyze them for approval tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz 12 Friday. an accountant

2 Senior English 11/29/16 Listen to and annotate “Ozymandias.” Then respond. What do you call an ant that skips school? Quisquillous- made of rubbish. Goals – Watch video of how to choose a poem. Work on selection and initial analysis of poem. Homework – Print two poems and analyze them for approval tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz 11 Friday. Truant.

3 Senior English 11/30/16 Listen to and mark “The Laughing Heart.” Then respond on your opener. Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. – William Safire. Silurian – terribly old. Part of the paleozoic era. Goals – Recite your poems with partners. Brainstorm good habits and bad habits. Start thinking of how to “punch it.” Do more memorization writing and reciting. Homework – Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Try to get your entire poem memorized. Random recital and reading with informal evaluation will be occurring tomorrow after quiz 11. Don’t forget to study for quiz 11. Tunee fish.

4 Senior English 12/1/16 Listen to and mark “The Poison Tree.” Then respond on your opener. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? Urbacity – excessive or foolish pride in one’s city. Goals –Analyze the tone of your second poem. Begin work on memorization and recitation Homework - Write out your second poem on your daily work sheet. Try to write each line from memory. . Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #14 tomorrow!. He pasta way.

5 Senior English 12/2/16 Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.  ~Plato, Ion What is a polygon? Withy – flexible and tough. Goals –Practice reciting your first poem. Apply various techniques to help you memorize you poem. Homework – Practice saying your first poem from memory. Be prepared to recite for me in class on Monday. A dead parrot.

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