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Native American Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Vocabulary

2 Migration 30,000-10,000 years ago people migrated to America from Asia. -Moving from one place to another to make a new home.

3 Hunters-Gatherers -Nomadic people that followed their food. They lived off of the land Men Hunted, Women and children gathered. Women and children produced more food.

4 Environment -The area around you. This includes plants, animals, smells, and sounds.

5 Adaptation -Making changes to your environment, or changing to fit your environment. As little as snowshoes, or as big as religious mounds

6 Domesticate -taming plants and animals.
Used as workers, transportation, and food source

7 Irrigation -bringing water from a major source to your crops.
Natives of the Southwest had to irrigate

8 Slash and Burn Agriculture
-Cutting off all of the plants and burning the field. This practice fertilizes the soil and clears the land. Things grow back bigger and better.

9 Great Law of Peace / Iroquois League
-First Constitution in America. Kept the peace in the Iroquois League. An attempt to unite various tribes

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