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Unit Two Vocabulary Week Six.

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1 Unit Two Vocabulary Week Six

2 conniption (noun) a fit of violent emotion tantrum
My brother throws a conniption every time he doesn’t get his way. .

3 dismay (noun) shock/disappointment
Allen felt a sense of dismay and fear when the grim reaper pointed in his direction.

4 divination (noun) the power to the tell future through magic
Magda claimed to possess the power of divination.

5 gauche (adjective) tacky/without taste
Nicki Minaj’s taste in clothing is gauche.

6 plenitude (adjective)

7 spume (noun) foam

8 stymie (verb) stump/prevent progress
Do not let procrastination stymie your path to success.

9 supine (adjective) lying on one’s back
This weekend you will find me supine in a hammock.

10 upbraid (verb) scold If I’ve done something wrong, tell me. Do not upbraid me like a child.

11 Wastrel (Noun) spendthrift/wasteful person
Don’t be a wastrel. Throwing out perfectly good food is like throwing money down the drain.

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