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Discussion group meeting

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1 Discussion group meeting
Eurostat regional yearbook planning and involvement of the statistical units Åsa Önnerfors, Eurostat Discussion group meeting 18 October 2012

2 Discussion group meeting
Eurostat regional yearbook 2012 was published on the Eurostat website and in the EU Bookshop on the 11th October. The translations into German and French are being inserted into in Statistics Explained within the coming weeks. 3 articles are translated into all 20 languages. Discussion group meeting 18 October 2012

3 Discussion group meeting
Statistical Atlas The Statistical Atlas was launched together with the printed version, it contains all the maps from the Regional yearbook Activate the information icon to see the statistical value of each region / city. The SA has received a lot of public attention! The Statistical Atlas is based on a stable set of maps (all maps from the 2012 edition of the Regional yearbook) and a fixed data set (data extracted on the 15th of February this year), but it could in the future also be used for displaying other data, for example the LUCAS data collection (Land cover and land use). All the maps are cached on our server to give quicker response times when zooming in and out of the map. Discussion group meeting 18 October 2012

4 Publication process over the year
May: Finalising and approval of content, inserting in SE June - August: Content released in SE, layout preparations for printed version + SE articles for translation September - October: Printing and News release October – January: Establishing TOC, detailed chapter planning with units 15th February: Data extractions (Informa) March: Map production 29th March - 12th April: Consultation with units on content (text and tables/graphs/maps) The timing is quite tight, even if it doesn't look like it here! The online version in Statistics Explained takes around 5 months to produce (January – end of May): it includes deciding on content, extracting data, table, map, graph production, text writing and then inserting and approving the whole content in Statistics Explained. The PDF and printed version takes around 4-5 months to produce (June – beginning of October): it includes selection of photos, proofreading, lay-out, printing and then preparations for the News release on the Eurostat website. In November–December; distribution and follow-up of the newly released edition and planning of the next edition! Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

5 Table of content 2013 (draft)
Agriculture Transport Environment (?) Science, technology and innovation Focus on European cities Focus on city typologies Focus on rural regions or coastal regions (?) Focus on land cover and land use (?) Economy Population Health Education Labour market Structural business statistics Tourism Information society The TOC must be decided before the end of October Discussion group meeting 18 October 2012

6 Discussion group meeting
Initial planning For creating the content of the 2013 edition we will get help from the external company Informa, like last year. The units will be asked to propose the main outline of each chapter; which indicators to use, the general structure and the main relevant policy goals. Deadline for your answer: the 14th of November. Informa will make a detailed report based on your input by the 26th November, the report should be approved by each unit before Christmas. Discussion group meeting 18 October 2012

7 Data extraction and map production:
Informa will make the data extractions for the maps, tables and graphs for all chapters on the same date: the 15th of February. No updates of data will be accepted after this date; the only exception is if a real mistake in the data is detected. The maps will be produced during the month of March, your unit will be consulted on the draft version of the maps as soon as they are ready. Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

8 Second consultation and final phase:
Consultation on draft text (MS Word), tables and figures (MS Excel) and maps (PDF): the 29 March – 12th of April (two weeks). Informa will finalise the content of the whole publication and insert it into Statistics Explained. All articles will be online in Statistics Explained by the 25th of May and that is also the time when our contract with Informa ends. Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

9 Thank you for listening. Any questions or suggestions for improvement?
Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on Working Party on Regional Statistics 1-2 October 2012

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