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REACH will present significant challenges to all of us

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1 REACH will present significant challenges to all of us
REACH will present significant challenges to all of us. There’s still much water to flow under the bridge before the detailed requirements of REACH are set in tablets of stone. However, there is one thing we can anticipate and that is that REACH will demand much greater supply chain co-operation on the use of chemicals. From the chemical manufacturer, through the formulator, to the product manufacturer to the final retailer we will all have to work together far more, understand each others challenges, languages and contribution to a mutual value chain. Today we want to share with you some ideas about how such partnerships can work. We don’t offer a panacea, nor do we imagine that our relationship is necessarily representative of those that you in this room may have, but we feel much of the learning from our experience can be interpreted constructively in your supply chains.

2 Molecular orbital (MO) theory

3 NOTE: +/- signs show PHASES of waves, NOT CHARGES! A B B A A + B
An analogy between light waves and wave functions () used to describe electron waves from interacting atomic orbitals. Amplitudes of wave functions added NOTE: +/- signs show PHASES of waves, NOT CHARGES! A B Amplitudes of wave functions subtracted. B A A + B A - B

4 A B In phase 1SA + 1SB = bonding MO 1S
Out of phase 1SA- 1SB = antibonding MO *1S


6 Contours and energies of the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals (MOs) in H2.
Axially symmetric OUT OF PHASE E-density = blue IN PHASE Axially symmetric H Atomic orbitals Molecular orbitals of H2

7 The MO diagram for H2 # ANTIBONDING e’s = 0 # BONDING e’s = 2

8 2 H. H:H

9 Moleculuar Orbital (MO) Theory
ANTBONDING These two new orbitals have different energies.  BONDING The one that is lower in energy is called the bonding orbital, The one higher in energy is called an antibonding orbital.

10 MO diagram for He2+ and He2
Energy s*1s s1s s*1s AO of He 1s AO of He+ 1s AO of He 1s AO of He 1s Energy s1s MO of He+ MO of He2 He2 bond order = 0 He2+ bond order = 1/2 He2 does not exist!


12 . . Bonding/antibonding combinations of the three p atomic orbitals x
Note that “z” is the internuclear direction z z y y Axial symmetry means  bond Non-axial symmetry means  bond Bonding/antibonding combinations of the three p atomic orbitals

13 Relative MO energy levels for Period 2 homonuclear diatomic molecules.
without big 2s-2p repulsion with big 2s-2p repulsion MO energy levels for O2, F2, and Ne2 MO energy levels for B2, C2, and N2

14 E(2p)-E(2s): N eV O eV F eV For N: “small” 2p/2s separation “big” *(2s) / (2pz) repulsion


16 MO occupancy and molecular properties for B2 through Ne2
Bond order 1 2 3 2 1 MO occupancy and molecular properties for B2 through Ne2

17 Using MO Theory to Explain Bond Properties
PROBLEM: As the following data show, removing an electron from N2 forms an ion with a weaker, longer bond than in the parent molecules, whereas the ion formed from O2 has a stronger, shorter bond: Bond energy (kJ/mol) Bond length (pm) N2 N2+ O2 O2+ 945 110 498 841 623 112 121 Explain these facts with diagrams that show the sequence and occupancy of MOs. N2 loses 2p bonding e O2 loses *2p antibonding e

18 Two non-bonding orbitals are the lone pairs on F
The MO diagram for HF s Two non-bonding orbitals are the lone pairs on F seen in The Lewis structure for HF AO of H 1s s Energy Note the H1S is less stable than the F2P AO of F 2p 2px 2py MO of HF

19 The MO diagram for NO PARAMAGNETIC 1 unpaired e 2p Energy 2p
2pxy s2pz *2pxy s*2pz The MO diagram for NO PARAMAGNETIC 1 unpaired e 2s AO’s of N 2p 2s AO’s of O 2p Energy Note AO’s of the more electronegative O are More stable than those of N s*2s s2s MO of NO

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