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Restless Earth Young fold Mountains - Alps

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Presentation on theme: "Restless Earth Young fold Mountains - Alps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Restless Earth Young fold Mountains - Alps
Tsunami – Asian Boxing Day one Supervolcano – Yellowstone Volcano – Montserrat Earthquakes – Nepal (LEDC) and ??? (MEDC)

2 RESTLESS EARTH PSI: Where? When? Tourism Agriculture Forestry
How people use the Alps HEP Adaption to steep relief Adaption to poor soils CASE STUDY: The Alps (young fold mountains) How people adapt to conditions in the Alps How young fold mountains are formed Adaption to poor communications RESTLESS EARTH

3 CASE STUDY: Tsunami – a secondary effect of an earthquake
PSI: Where? When? Causes of a Tsunami Social effects Economic effects CASE STUDY: Tsunami – a secondary effect of an earthquake Short term Effects of a Tsunami Responses to a Tsunami Long term Environmental effects RESTLESS EARTH

4 RESTLESS EARTH PSI: Where? When? (n/a)
Characteristics of a supervolcano Social effects Economic effects CASE STUDY: Supervolcano GLOBAL Effects of Supervolcano Environmental effects RESTLESS EARTH

5 RESTLESS EARTH PSI: Where? When? Causes of the eruption Social effects
Economic effects CASE STUDY: Volcanic eruption Short term Effects of the eruption Responses to the eruption Long term Environmental effects RESTLESS EARTH

6 Fit 2 case studies in one here as the question will ask you to compare them.
PSI: Where? When? Cause of the earthquakes Social effects Economic effects CASE STUDY: Earthquakes in LEDC and MEDC what & why the differences? Short term Effects of the quakes Responses to the quakes Long term Environmental effects RESTLESS EARTH

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