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Writing for Single Payer

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Single Payer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Single Payer
Emily Kirchner, MS4 Lewis Katz SOM at Temple University

2 Introductions

3 Agenda Review: Letters to the Editor, Op-Eds, Articles Examples
Read Critique Free write Sharing our work Making commitments

4 General rules Check submission guidelines
Follow the aforementioned submission guidelines Proofread! Check your work with an editor Include your name, contact information, affiliations. Emphasize your perspective Use your resources: SNaHP media team Dixon Galvez-Searle, Let SNaHP/PNHP know if you are published, so we can circulate your work

5 Letter to the Editor aka LtoE No longer than 150-200 words
In response to a previously published article Be specific. Be clear. Be brief. Letter to the Editor aka LtoE

6 aka opposite the editorial page
Generally words Use a news hook previously published article SNaHP/PNHP press release recent/local events Make one point well Op-Ed aka opposite the editorial page

7 general interest writing
Generally longer Style depends on publication Be ready to pitch your work Think about your connections/affiliations Consider your voice Consider your audience Article general interest writing

8 Questions?

9 Read

10 Critique What does the author do well?
What would you have changed if you were writing this piece? Think about the venue where the writing appeared--is it appropriate? Does it follow the rules? Does it accomplish what it should accomplish?

11 Write

12 Free-write Prompts are on the table Write for 10-15 minutes
Group decision: share in small groups or share as a large group? Share for minutes

13 Questions?

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